Sentences with phrase «racial hierarchy»

The phrase "racial hierarchy" means a ranking or system that places different races or ethnicities above or below one another based on perceived superiority or inferiority. It refers to the unequal distribution of power, privileges, and opportunities among different racial groups. Full definition
Rather than connecting people without bias, online dating often reinforces racial hierarchy and gender stereotypes.
People of color, she says — particularly African Americans and Native Americans — were traditionally used as research subjects to provide empirical evidence to support notions of racial hierarchies in physical and intellectual ability.
Subsequent series have sought to reveal marginalized or hidden histories; she has examined the social invisibility of black Americans in service - oriented jobs, the construction of racial hierarchies based on skin tone within black communities, and the ways that objects can retain the memories and histories of their owners.
This talk, organized in conjunction with Cameron Rowland's 91020000 exhibition at Artists Space's exhibition space, will explore how racial hierarchy is enforced by the markets: «For example, «black» spaces are forever unstable, subprime and «waste», making them always available for (re) appropriation through various technologies such as debt, (de) regulation and development,» writes Harris on the talk's event page.
The study concludes that «Although our findings indicate that biracial individuals are more likely to seek potential partners outside of their same racial / ethnic identity, their dating preferences also reflect a distinct racial hierarchy that may account for why some racial / ethnic categories are more desirable than others».
The movie indicts exclusion and racial hierarchy without finding villains inside that system.
This welcome book invites us to become more critically conscious of «race talk» and thus more aware of how even our silences can reproduce racial hierarchies
«It takes work to undo racial hierarchy and we haven't done that work in this country,» said moderator Martha Minow, Ed.M.»
The use of standardized test scores and the construct of the achievement gap can be tied to the eugenics movement and its efforts to maintain racial hierarchies.
And that a racial hierarchy exists within God's Kingdom.
That is, to both defend white people from us dangerous blacks, to protect the interests of whites and to preserve the racial hierarchy upon which U.S. society was built.
As I understand it, Germany's National Socialists in theory and practice, private and public, regarded all Slavic people as little better than Jews or Roma in their racial hierarchy.
To Ken Livingstone, the famously excitable mayor of London, this was a «discredited racist theor [y]» of «the genetic inferiority of Africans» that Watson was propagating with a view to «establish a genetically based racial hierarchy
Currently, there are over one billion Muslims worldwide however, the numbers are far lower in the U. Specifically, Im talking about a racial hierarchy of dating that some dating websites, such as, have.
While previous research has documented the existence of a racial hierarchy within the dating world with white women and men on top, a new study finds that in certain circumstances multiracial daters are actually seen as more...
In doing so, Garland reverses the racial hierarchy of his first feature.
The Predators themselves are revealed to be a more complex race than originally depicted with their own brutal version of racial hierarchy.
The reality, to quote Clio Chang, is that «our place in the racial hierarchy of America remains conditional» — something we're reminded of as anti-Chinese and anti-immigrant rhetoric increases.
Other students jump in, saying they felt that Washington wasn't pushing as much for «racial uplift,» but more for basic training, compared to the radical DuBois, who wanted to «challenge the racial hierarchy,» especially in the South.
How do black parents communicate information to their children about their personal and group identities as it relates to race, intergroup relationships, and their place in the racial hierarchy?
Fred Wilson reinterprets material objects to expose the cultural and racial hierarchies that subtend their acquisition, treatment, and display.
Kenny Rivero's Gotham City Screams and Supermane address how fantasy and escapism can inspire people to challenge aesthetic, sexual, and racial hierarchies.
While artists of color have played a substantial role in the advancement of conceptual art from its origins until the present day, it remains the case that the institutional framework for art is defined by the values of racial hierarchy.
Naomi Klein examines how Said's ideas of racial hierarchy, including Orientalism, have been the silent partners to climate change since the earliest days of the steam engine, continuing to present day decisions to let entire nations drown and others warm to lethal levels.
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