Sentences with phrase «racial stereotypes because»

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The mechanisms of stereotyping distorted the objective world, and the doctrines of racism were seen as «bad science» because so many studies — of IQ testing, of genetics, of reality - distortion — showed racial prejudice to be invalid.
How can we move beyond race / racial profiling / stereotypes in online dating I'm not sure how we can move beyond racism in online dating because it's just a manifestation of our society as a whole.
Or, because through racial stereotyping, they are given classes exhibiting the most challenging behaviour.
One can speculate about the role of racial bias and stereotypes in the jury's reasoning, and whether it simply refused to apply the law, preferring instead the position that killing is justified when people come on your property and make you afraid — i.e., that they refused to apply the law not as the conscience of their community, but because they disagreed with applying it here.
However, many employees suffer inappropriate sexual jokes, racial stereotypes, or other types of discriminatory remarks or actions at work because their employers fail to intervene, cultivating a hostile work environment.
My point is that our current discourse on «gold farming» is inextricably tied to race / ethnicity because our social interactions with other players are based on pervasive stereotypes of racial identities.
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