Sentences with phrase «racist epithets in»

To divorce historical and cultural context by removing racist epithets in a literary novel, is the height of stupidity.
The black artists and curators leading the protests were offended by Newman's invocation of the racist epithet in his title.

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Nevertheless, if I dare to criticize the president» on the policies, the passivity, the professorial condescension, the pea - eating lectures or on the general over-ratedness that I and many others counted, in 2008, as weaknesses rendering him unsuited to the Oval Office» my friend becomes «concerned» about me; my complaints «trouble» him in unspecified ways, but he no longer flings the cheap, easy and inaccurate epithet of «racist» my way, because he has learned that one can legitimately find Barack Obama underwhelming in the extreme, without any underlying motive.
You may not provide, post or otherwise distribute, User content that: i. Contains vulgar, profane, abusive, racist or hateful language or expressions, epithets or slurs, text, photographs, videos or illustrations in poor taste, inflammatory attacks of a personal, racial or religious nature; ii.
However, the consensus has changed in modern times to be considered a racist epithet, particularly one who submits to the White man.
Virulent racism is a theme in the movie and characters use strong language including racist epithets.
With the exception of Henry's despicably racist father, Pappy (Jonathan Banks, dead - eyed perfection), who spends most of the movie sneering at Laura and hurling epithets in the Jacksons» direction, Rees has a remarkable gift for seeing her characters whole.
Racist epithets and laws use language to marginalize the black body, but poetry deconstructs syntax in ways that could set it free.
That means users can't hide their slurs, epithets, and racist or sexist tropes in their bio without a penalty.
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