Sentences with phrase «radiation at high energies»

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This calculation method enabled us to more accurately perform theoretical prediction of IMFP compared to the experimental value, which was obtained by applying spectrometry (extended X ‐ ray absorption fine structure spectrometry) to low - speed electrons of Copper and molybdenum at the high - brilliant synchrotron radiation facility, and to explain the relationship between energy measurement and the types of materials.
But Alex Dessler, a space physicist at the University of Arizona, Tucson, says the same area of the planet also produces unusual radio signals, flares of ultraviolet light, and high levels of infrared radiation and even seems to be correlated with a patch in Jupiter's magnetosphere that pumps out high - energy electrons.
Researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Physics in Munich and the University of Geneva have now succeeded in localizing the origin of the high - energy gamma radiation in such a jet: it apparently originates very close to the black hole.
Eventually, individual atoms begin colliding with each other at high speeds — having such random motion is precisely what it means to be hot, and these violent collisions convert motion energy into radiation.
Mark Loeffler at Northern Arizona University irradiated ammonium hydrosulphide, commonly found in Jupiter's atmosphere, with high - energy protons that mimic radiation coming from the sun.
In the new study, Charles Hailey, an astrophysicist at Columbia University, and his colleagues scrutinized the past dozen years of data gathered by the Chandra X-ray Observatory, an orbiting craft whose instruments are designed to detect high - energy radiation emitted by the immensely hot material surrounding exploded stars and near black holes.
«A number of experiments and observations have figured out that, under the right conditions, radio communications signals in the VLF frequency range can in fact affect the properties of the high - energy radiation environment around the Earth,» explained Phil Erickson, assistant director at the MIT Haystack Observatory in Westford, Massachusetts.
For about two weeks the star could be seen in daylight, but at the end of November it began to fade and change color, from bright white over yellow and orange to faint reddish light, finally fading away from visibility in March, 1574, having been visible to the naked eye for almost 16 months (more about Brahe's «acid tongue and silver nose,» the cultural shock of the «new star,» and how supernovae create high - energy radiation from Wallace H. Tucker).
It uses high - energy radiation (similar to x-rays but at a much higher energy level) that injures the DNA (genetic material) of cells.
The physical processes by which energy might be added into the glacier material include: (A) convection between the glacier surfaces and local surrounding atmosphere and water, (B) direct radiation onto the exposed surfaces of the material, (C) addition of material that is at a temperature higher than the melting temperature onto the top of the glacier (rain, say), (D) Sublimation of the ice directly into the atmosphere, and (E) conduction into the material from the contact areas between the glacier and surrounding solid material.
The bonds between two atoms in a molecule are particularly strong, and can only vibrate at very high frequencies (emphasize frequencies over energies) well above the frequency of infrared or the solar radiation spectrum.
A huge laser delivers a large amount of energy in a short time to heat the walls of the larger chamber, and the radiation emitted from those walls in turn drives the small capsule to a very small size, increasing the density of the gases inside to much higher density than lead and heating it at the same time to very high temperatures required for fusion to occur.
It does seem at first glance that a warm troposphere would warm the stratosphere, but the explanation that more of the earth - sourced infrared radiation is absorbed lower in the the troposphere by higher levels of CO2 makes sense if one thinks about the thermodynamic losses involved in the CO2 re-radiation processes; some of the earth - sourced infrared is transformed into kinetic energy and only a fraction is reradiated as more infrared radiation (if I'm understanding correctly).
Atmospheric back radiation in no way reduces the ocean's ability to radiate or conduct its own energy which is at a higher temperature and energy state.
Arguing his point further in defense of nuclear energy, Kakodkar said that environmental radiation that people are exposed to even in normal rooms is 100 times higher than the radiation at the fence post of a nuclear plant.
Until the surface warms to a level that emits radiation at a rate that is balanced with the higher level of energy capture there will continue to be «net energy capture».
The energy released now heats the gas till it becomes an ionised plasma due to the high Temperature, the escape of this centraally generated energy to the suface of the «cloud», now a proto star will eventually stop the collapse as the outer layers also heat, and the outer plasma will become opaque to the EM radiation generted at the million degree buring interface.
At sea level, the energy content of the evaporated water molecules will be quite high, but the temperature of the air will not be because most of the air is N2 (temperature is an average), which isn't heated by IR radiation from the water vapor molecules.
Sunlight essentially has parallel radiation and is at a very much higher energy level with a «hot spot» notionally rotating around the planet.
Toss the «back - conduction», toss the «back - radiation» and look at the problem frontwards from the standpoint of what the energy «sees», always warm to cooler, always from higher energy density to lower energy density, if Ts are the same, all energy transfer ceases numerically and really, literally.
In the particular instance of so - called back radiation the reality is that if you point an IR spectrometer up at the night sky photons of far higher energy than the cosmic microwave background are hitting it.
It certainly doesn't apply to a slab of pure silicon, which readily absorbs radiation, of higher frequency than the band gap energy; but it can not then re-emit those same energies, because silicon is an indirect gap semiconductor, and the minimum energy gap does not occur at the same momentum state, so such transitions are generally prohibited.
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