Sentences with phrase «radiation belts for»

Jupiter has some serious radiation belts for Juno to contend with, thanks to the massive magnetic field created by the gas giant.
The newly released measurements constitute a nearly continuous global record of the variability in this radiation belt for the past 16 years, including how it responds to solar storms.

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- The giant radio telescopes of NASA's Deep Space Network — which perform radio and radar astronomy research in addition to their communications functions — were tasked with observing radio emissions from Jupiter's radiation belt, looking for disturbances caused by comet dust.
On its fifth flight, for instance, Rocket Lab is scheduled to carry 10 NASA - funded CubeSats that will include experiments to monitor space weather and Earth's radiation belts, and conduct technology demonstrations for solar sails and on - orbit repairs.
In a quest to better predict space weather, the Dartmouth researchers study the radiation belts from above and below in complementary approaches — through satellites (the twin NASA Van Allen Probes) high over Earth and through dozens of instrument - laden balloons (BARREL, or Balloon Array for Radiation belt Relativistic Electron Losses) at lower altitudes to assess the particles that rain down.
«We are now going into what historically has been the most energetic part of the solar cycle for the radiation belts.
The radiation belts are two donut - shaped regions of highly energetic particles trapped in the Earth's magnetic field — the inner, located just above our atmosphere and extending 4,000 miles into space; and the outer, from 8,000 to 26,000 miles out — and are named for their discoverer (as are the probes), the late James A. Van Allen of the University of Iowa.
The scientific successes for the Van Allen Probes began almost immediately after launch, starting with a discovery made when scientists turned on the Relativistic Electron Proton Telescope (REPT) instrument on Sept. 1: a new third radiation belt, formed at the interior of the outer belt.
Louis Lanzerotti of the New Jersey Institute of Technology is principal investigator for the RBSPICE (Radiation Belt Ion Composition Experiment) instrument, and one of the pioneers of radiation belt physics research.
The data provides an invaluable record for understanding radiation - belt variability that is key to developing effective space - weather forecasting models.
Such electrons in Earth's outer radiation belt can exhibit pronounced increases in intensity, in response to activity on the sun, and changes in the solar wind — but the dominant physical mechanisms responsible for such radiation belt electron acceleration has remained unresolved for decades.
The solar UV irradiance from the thermosphere of Saturn and the solar wind are the most probable sources to account for the long - term variability of the electron radiation belts (Roussos et al. 2014), suggesting that external drivers play indeed an important role in Saturn's magnetospheric dynamics.
While the proton radiation belts are characterized by stability, this is not the case for the electron radiation belts that are characterized by both complex temporal and spatial variations.
The CRAND process is also responsible for the most energetic component (> 10 MeV) of Saturn's innermost radiation belt (Kotova et al. 2014).
More recently, Lorenzato et al. (2012) adapted the SalammbĂ´ three - dimensional physical radiation belt model for Saturn's electron radiation belts (Santos - Costa et al. 2003).
As a result, every two weeks TESS approaches close enough to the Earth for high data - downlink rates, while remaining above the planet's harmful radiation belts.
Jupiter's radiation belts spiked in radio waves during the impacts and stayed bright for months after.
Unbeknownst to even NASA, the Air Force had conducted a high - altitude nuclear test, which created a radiation belt around Earth for a bit of time [source: Nelson].
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