Sentences with phrase «radiation escaping back»

The fact that carbon dioxide is a «greenhouse gas» - a gas that prevents a certain amount of heat radiation escaping back to space and thus maintains a generally warm climate on Earth, goes back to an idea that was first conceived, though not specifically with respect to CO2, nearly 200 years ago.
This matters because clouds are fundamental regulators of how much solar radiation makes it to the Earth's surface (rather than being reflected back to space by white cloud tops), and how much infrared or «longwave» radiation escapes back to space once again.

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In most corners of the cosmos, those pairs quickly disappear together back into the vacuum, but at the edge of an event horizon one particle may be captured by the black hole, leaving the other free to escape as radiation.
Photons reflected back from the mirror would represent Hawking radiation — the observable effect when one half of a virtual particle pair falls into an event horizon and the other escapes.
''... Satellite measurements confirm less longwave radiation is escaping to space... Surface measurements find more longwave radiation returning back to Earth at these same wavelengths.»
What other things in the Earth system will change when it warms up that will affect how much SW radiation is reflected back into space [eg ice - albedo feedback, cloud changes] or affect what proportion of emitted LW radiation is allowed to escape to space [eg Water Vapour, cloud changes].
1) Greenhouse gasses absorb infrared radiation in the atmosphere and re-emit much of it back toward the surface, thus warming the planet (less heat escapes; Fourier, 1824).
CO2 traps heat According to radiative physics and decades of laboratory measurements, increased CO2 in the atmosphere is expected / predicted to absorb more infrared radiation as it escapes back out to space.
''... Satellite measurements confirm less longwave radiation is escaping to space... Surface measurements find more longwave radiation returning back to Earth at these same wavelengths.»
The atmosphere acts like the glass in a greenhouse, allowing much of the shortwave solar radiation to travel through unimpeded, but trapping a lot of the longwave heat energy trying to escape back to space.
Clouds can have a double effect on radiation: they warm the earth by reducing the amount of radiation from the earth that escapes into space but also cool the earth by reflecting the sun's rays back into space.
The way GHG's work is to block radiation from escaping directly into space from the earth's surface by absorbing it and radiating it back to the surface.
It is most correct to say that because of back - radiation (in combination with the radiation from the sun), the earth is warmer than it would be if all the radiation from its surface escaped into space.
This is important with regard to H20, as humidity drops rapidly and the wave lengths that are absorbed by this molecule now escape at a greatly increased rate and so back radiation diminishes accordingly.
Tyndall had pointed out more than a century back that basic physics declared that the greenhouse effect would act most effectively at night, as the gases impeded radiation from escaping into space.
Carbon dioxide absorbs upwelling long wave radiation and re-emits it back to the ground, thereby reducing the amount of heat that escapes to space, warming the planet.
Carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, such as methane, warm the planet by absorbing and redirecting outgoing solar radiation that would otherwise escape back into space.
Likewise, the emission of CO2 within its absorption bands is just as effective as its interception, therefore this energy is partitioned throughout the atmosphere and radiated back to earth in its majority (because the escape of energy through the optically thick higher levels of the atmosphere reduces the flux, whereas the earth is still optically close by and a ready recipient of IR radiation.
Because of the different intramolecular forces between water molecules as vapor in air, water, and ice, the wavelengths of emission and absorption are shifted; some of the radiation from the water / ice droplets at the top of a cloud can escape to space because the atmosphere above it is transparent at its wavelengths, whereas the same radiation from droplets at the bottom of a cloud will be absorbed and re-emitted in random directions from the droplets above, including back down to the originating droplets.
When it comes to our little blue planet, all this hypothetical analysis of incoming and outgoing radiation in various wave lengths, and how much is reflected back and how much escapes is neatly summed up by by Humphrey Bogarde, It does not amount to a hill of beans.
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