Sentences with phrase «radiation losses»

Then they minimize radiation losses to the wall with that reflective coating on the walls.
These temperatures in the base of the troposphere slow down and even stop the surface cooling in the early pre-dawn hours, regardless of radiation losses which are balanced by «heat creep» diffusion and conduction back into the surface.
And the reason that cloudless nights are cooler than cloudy ones is because radiation loss is much higher.
However, it is challenging to create a solar absorber that can absorb a high level of sunlight while maintaining low thermal radiation losses.
As far as the climate cares, a Watt is (for the most part) a Watt, regardless of whether it comes from changes in the incoming solar energy or greenhouse - induced changes in the infrared radiation loss.
where: Q is the change of energy expressed in Joules, Q (s) is incoming shortwave, Q (b) is the «net» back radiation loss, Q (e) is the net loss from evaporation, and Q (h) is the heat loss by conduction and convection
Second, it can not be based on a Maxwellian plasma particle distribution, because theory tells us that the plasma radiation losses (Bremsstrahlung) from a very high temperature, Maxwellian, proton - boron plasma will kill the concept.
While the authors found decreases in radiation loss with short - term temperature increases, I find that the CMIP models exhibit an INCREASE in radiative loss with short term warming.
Increasing CO2 then increases the width of the spectral region where the atmosphere is optically thick, which replaces more of the high - intensity surface radiation with low - intensity upper - atmosphere radiation, and thus reduces the rate of radiation loss to space.
«In fact, radiation loss is useful and is necessary in devices like lasers.»
«Instead of absorption loss, we adopt a different loss mechanism — radiation loss — which does not affect the device performance,» Zhen says.
Some of that material then may contaminate the fuel and increase radiation losses, causing the fuel temperature to collapse below that needed for fusion reactions to occur.»
This forms because heat is radiated from the top few microns net upwards — this layer is cooler than the underlying water because the radiation losses are quicker than mixing processes.
Filled with a greenhouse gas, the radiation losses would be lower, however you would have losses by conduction, and they would be higher than what you stopped radiating away, meaning poorer insulation.
Lr, the radiation loss, is the 40 W / m2 labeled «Atmospheric Window».
So whilst most of the radiation losses (over land) within the atmospheric windows will occur during the period between mid morning and early evening, radiation at wavelengths around the absorption peaks will be pretty constant during any given 24 hours.
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