Sentences with phrase «radiation output at»

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The study argued that changes in the sun's radiation output played a major role in influencing shifts in Arctic air temperatures — a view at odds with mainstream climate science, which fingered atmospheric carbon dioxide as a bigger player.
For example, if global warming were due to increased solar output, we would expect to see all layers of the atmosphere warm, and more warming during the day when the surface is bombarded with solar radiation than at night.
The casual disregard of the internal variations / cycles and the «elmination» of any external factors (galactic radiation effects are a very very interesting for me at the moment - especially due to the inverse relationship with solar output) disguise the level of ignorance that we have about the climate as a whole.
This reduction was partially compensated in the total solar output by an increase in radiation at visible wavelengths.
This is because Venus has a runaway greenhouse effect, caused by 98 % of its atmosphere being CO2 which traps IR radiation but is transparent to the visible range the sun peak output is at.
Once the oceans are at equilibrium that'll drop to zero, and equilibrium precisely means that input (from forcing) equal output (from extra radiation due to the higher temperature).
For example, if global warming were due to increased solar output, we would expect to see all layers of the atmosphere warm, and more warming during the day when the surface is bombarded with solar radiation than at night.
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