Sentences with phrase «radiation risk]»

His thoughts therefore turned to the radiation of the eucharistic presence of Christ through the universe.
Just imagine a world where a couple of hundred nuclear warheads have laden the atmosphere with radiation and stripped the world of oil.
This group suing DHS claims that the scalp receives over 20 times the amount of radiation that's claimed by TSA.
4s) then photons erupted from this energy cloud (detectable today as the microwave background radiation) 5s) photons and other particles form the bodies of the early universe (atoms, molecules, stars, planets, galaxies) 6s) it rained on the early earth until it was cool enough for oceans to form 7s) the first life form was blue green bacteria.
Some weeks later, after radiation therapy that was designed to limit the extent of the surgery, he wrote to tell me that the doctors were astounded to learn that the tumor had been stopped cold by the radiation and that surgery would not be required.
For instance, most common adult solid tumors that are not cured by surgical removal are resistant to chemotherapy or radiation control, yet drug therapy is frequently offered as a «possibly effective» treatment because both patient and physician want to believe it so.
They create no changes in gravitational pull, solar radiation, planetary orbits, or anything else that would impact life on Earth.
Peoplehood is the societal structure which through government, economy, culture, and religion provides for personal self - fulfillment, a well as for «a kind of continuing radiation or anonymous immortality» after death (GJM 479 - 80).
He will begin radiation immediately.
@Chad: I. Mutations in DNA sequences generally occur through one of two processes: A. Environmental factors: DNA damage from environmental agents such as ultraviolet light (sunshine), nuclear radiation or certain chemicals B. Mistakes that occur when a cell copies its DNA in preparation for cell division.
These include adequate uranium supply (probably necessitating immense uranium strip mines in Tennessee), almost inconceivable reactor and waste - transport accidents, low - level radiation effects from normal plant operations, and the burden of guarding both radioactive waste and outdated but radioactive nuclear plants for thousands of years.
He made tornadoes, volcanoes, influenza, HIV, cancer, poisonous spiders, sharks, subzero temperatures, the crushing pressures on the surface of Venus, and cosmic radiation.
Christendom is wrought full of many religious diversisms that may endure till the world fries from either the sun expanding or the galactic elements sending a great burst of gamma radiation to destroy half of this world's facing such a catastrophic thing!
(26) She is therefore holy, though she has sinners in her bosom, because she herself has no other life but that of grace: it is by living by her life that her members are sanctified; it is by removing themselves from her life that they fall into sins and disorders that prevent the radiation of her sanctity.
I am making ready to start my radiation treatment for Cancer.
120 years ago nobody knew about invisable RF radiation.
An alternative route of abstraction, by thinking away all energy that sets up physical relations, and thinking this away by having substances too dense to release radiation, also leads to a space concept that may be approximated somewhere in nature.
Mass is equivalent to energy and can become radiation.
At the one extreme lies the superconduction of the field at absolute zero temperature; at the other, the lack of radiation in a field of «black hole» entities with infinite density (so that they no longer exert even gravitational influence mutually).
In fact, disparity remains relatively low throughout the Cambrian, with modern levels of disparity only attained after the early Ordovician radiation.
Light is electromagnetic radiation, but Einstein created the Photon so he could collect a Nobel prize; using the identical photographs of a solar eclipse that are proof of Relativity.
They would have to emit electromagnetic radiation in the visible spectrum to be seen by the human eye.
Then we have eugenics programs, testing of chemicals and radiation on unsuspecting civilians, slavery, women having no right other than to shut up and stay in the kitchen, children working in factories... I'm not seeing where we were doing all that well when we were supposedly so Godly.
He must now be monitored periodically for the rest of his life to measure and control the radiation's effects on his body.
We also know that the universe is primarily made of light when you look at what EM radiation and any particle is made of, just as is said in the Bible.
Get the chemo and radiation therapy and try to do your best to bring the baby to the point to where it can be delivered.
radiation, barely any human is biologically capable of perceiving radiation, but most are not going to claim that they can't see, hear, smell and directly feel radiation and therefore they are not going to evacuate when needed, are they?
Tornadoes form as a consequence of the interaction of air currents, air moisture and solar radiation.
However no matter what they do to them, radiation, heat, cold, starvation, etc.... A fly always is a fly.
In the case of my illness, the prescribed first round of radiation and chemotherapy did its job of making the eventual surgery effective.
What I may suffer in excess radiation is worth the lessened anxiety in the face of possible recurrence.
Our eyes allow us to get around and see danger and either fight or flee, but we can't see all the danger (UV light, radiation, etc...).
While this is also true, it is disengenous because there has been evidence for many many years that the big bang happened (background microwave radiation, expanding universe, dark energy expansion, to name a few).
The farthest back we can observe is the cosmic background radiation, which is basically a snapshot of the early universe, shortly after the big bang.
These include the products of radioactive decay, cosmic rays (the highest - energy form of electromagnetic radiation known to man), and the stellar wind, a stream of particles that fly out from any star as it continuously burns.
16 Zucker: This point is already upheld before quantum mechanics in the classical Feynman radiation experiments concerning the speed of light Bohm: Experiments indicate that the speed of light is irrelevant.
Red shift, the cosmic microwave background radiation... we've had confirmation of the big bang before.
The radiation has caused genetic mutation that has made some of the bacteria resistant to the antibiotic (reprsenting an environmental challange).
The universe could be cyclical, Big Bang, expansion, then collapse of the cosmic event horizon due to Hawking radiation until the universe hits a minimum size, a black hole containing all of the information in the universe on its event horizon, and then rebounding to create a brand new Big Bang.
BEFORE this discovery, Christians said there was NO explanation for the fine tuning of the uniformity of the background radiation.
The big bang and the current iteration of the Universe having a «beginning» has been generally accepted since Penzias and Wilson stumbled upon the uniform background microwave radiation in 1964.
or if he stopped the earths rotation, he have surely made the Jews aware that he was preventing radiation from frying them all when the earths core stopped rotating depriving the planet of its electromagnetic field.
No one asks if Cherenkov radiation is proof of djinn in a nuclear reactor.
Death will soon visit each of us, whether from radiation poisoning or a big old rogue tumor.
«Long ago and far away there was a dot that expanded rapidly into the universe...» that in itself is a leap in logic my friend... many assumptions made about cosmic background radiation that we know very little about.
The Big Bang has been settled science for over 50 years, ever since the discovery of the cosmic microwave background radiation.
Mars is completely exposed to the Sun's and cosmic radiation without any protection.
Because of radiation, the electron would quickly spiral into the nucleus, and the atom would not exist at all.
Also, this theory has been applied to the oscillator of empty space: oscillators of electromagnetic field radiation.
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