Sentences with phrase «radiative characteristics»

A change in radiative characteristics alone does not make more energy available because solar insolation at TOA remains the same, mass stays the same and gravity stays the same.
ii) The real question is whether changes in radiative characteristics alone can result in energy being transferred from the radiative SDL to the mechanical AAL so as to add to the energy in that latterLoop and thereby significantly increase the temperature of atmosphere and surface by in turn increasing the time delay in the transmission of energy through the system.
Their observed height and mixing ability is a result of radiative characteristics supplementing the energy they acquire from the surface and that additional energy being diffused through the whole atmosphere by collisional activity.
iv) The answer must depend on whether any slowing down of the throughput of radiation from a mere change in radiative characteristics within the SDL would overwhelm the flexibility of the adiabatic processes in the AAL.
iii) There is little doubt that mass, gravity and insolation can do it but what about mere radiative characteristics?
If mass, gravity and solar input are the same then both planets will reach the same temperature irrespective of the radiative characteristics of the constituent molecules.
The radiative characteristics of greenhouse gases do not alter surface temperature but instead affect atmospheric volume and circulation.
The reason is that neither scenario works out quite like that at all because the radiative characteristics of molecules have NO effect on the temperature that the atmosphere will reach.
This essay is an attempt to link real world observations (the failure of surface temperatures to rise in tandem with atmospheric CO2) to basic physics and thereby show why the radiative characteristics of Greenhouse Gases can not increase the surface temperature of a planet when atmospheric mass, the strength of the gravitational field and the power of insolation at the top of the atmosphere remain the same.
The current impasse in climate science has arisen because AGW proponents say that simply altering the radiative characteristics of constituent molecules within the atmosphere can result in a change in system equilibrium temperature without any need for an increase in mass, gravity or insolation.
The case appears to be similar with some of the basics of the theory of human - caused climate change, too — basics, such as the radiative characteristics of CO2 and other «greenhouse» gases, or the importance of the greenhouse effect in the natural regulation of our planetary temperature, are firmly established.
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