Sentences with phrase «radical change agent»

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In Weber's typology, a prophet is an agent of radical social change, a charismatic figure claiming a personal, divine call to act and sometimes attracting followers.
Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D., N.Y.) is keynoting a conference in Brooklyn featuring several controversial artists, including a group that teaches kids how to become «radical agents of social and political change» using principles of the Black Panther Party.
Too many Labour councillors are passive administrators, rather than agents of radical political change.
Gravity is a long - range force and is the primary agent of the radical changes in a galaxy's structure when another galaxy comes close to it.
Finally, with this course I feel empowered to apply radical frameworks, critical pedagogies, and liberation practices to support students be agents of change in their communities.
Those who followed the debut of the O'Reilly Tools of Change Author (R) evolution Day conference in New York last month are familiar, for example, with agent Jason Allen Ashlock's positioning of this new stance as the «radical advocacy» of an industry professional whose partnership with clients can take on new depths and collaborative detail.
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