Sentences with phrase «radical left»

And then the question would be how many radical left - wing MPs survive the electoral onslaught, and how many other left - wingers are willing to throw their lot in with them.
The self - proclaimed revolutionaries are Wilfried Böse (Daniel Brühl) and Brigitte Kuhlmann (Rosamund Pike), a pair of radical left - wingers who see Israel as an oppressive state and join forces with the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine to send a message.
Straight - talking, anti-establishment, fiercely anti-austerity, and aiming towards the establishment of a new politics, Jeremy Corbyn and Pablo Iglesias, the leader of the Spanish radical left wing party, Podemos, represent a pan-European phenomenon giving expression to discontent and feelings of abandonment.
In Spain, the Socialists have had to concede their position as the main opposition party to the recently created radical left party Podemos and may have to wait several years until Spanish voters will give them another chance.
In his films, installations, and essays, Mohaiemen reflects on radical left politics from around the world, investigating memories of political utopias and the legacies of colonialism.
The former BBC and Channel 4 journalist has become a vocal supporter of Jeremy Corbyn and radical left politics in recent years.
The impasse that Greece's radical left government has found itself in could either sharpen or dull electoral appetite for a change to the traditional center - left / center - right divide that dominates European politics.
Then Anne Skinner, a chemist at Williams College in Massachusetts, used a technique called electron spin resonance to examine the size of the free radicals left in the bones: The higher the temperature at which the bones were burned, the smaller the radicals would be.
Don't put radical left wingers from Downstate on the ballot.
I don't know that he's spreading Marxism, but he's making some pretty radical left turns from scripture.
Throughout the development of Crysis 2's multiplayer and subsequently after, a number of the key members of Free Radical left Crytek UK, and others changed their roles.
If you're going to police every utterance that people make on gender, race, and sexual orientation - as many radical left activists do - you have to be consistent about it.
Of course, anyone who bothered actually looking at the fact would have noted immediately that the attacker held radical left political views, inasmuch as his mess of «views» can even be characterized.
There's nothing but radicals left in that party, as evidenced by all of the different flavors of crazy that came out in the Republican Klown Kar Kandidates this primary season, plus the Birthers, The Tea Party morons, the zombie - eyed granny starvers like Paul Ryan & his ilk, tell me seriously, who's left?
I couldn't be where I am without the liberal and radical left Civil Rights Movement of the Sixties.
Second, while radical left activists are likely to see the opportunity to have a deep public dialogue on constitutional issues as a positive thing in itself, people unused as yet to political mobilisation may not see things the same way.
The logic goes that, once Jezza starts espousing radical left - wing policies as leader of Her Majesty's official opposition, the First Minister will have a proper fight on her hands.
The English radical Left decided to turn the 2014 indyref into a niche political porno.
Yes, I doubt that many of these parties would support radical left or socialist policies (although they could probably be convinced to support rail renationalisation).
They stuck by him during his nadir last summer, when his leadership of the party seemed doomed - indeed, the organisational, campaigning and social media nous of the pro-migrant radical left probably saved him, and certainly boosted his general election performance.
Elsewhere in Europe radical left - wing parties were benefiting from an anti-austerity vote, yet here it wasn't happening.
It's worth pointing out that Respect's electoral results make it Britain's most successful radical left party.
Good points, Verify — particularly on the Labour Left's incomprehensible unwillingness to get down to the hard but vital work of developing a coherent radical Left (Left Keynsian that is) «Corbynite Programme» for 2020.
Syriza, on the other hand, has its roots in more traditional radical left politics, but in the past four years it has ditched doctrinal debates about the evils of capitalism and embraced Keynesian solutions to deal with Greece's debt and social crisis.
In reality, it allows for anything between radical left social democracy and Thatcherite neoliberalism.
Labels on skin creams, from the ones in your corner drugstore to the fancy varieties at department store beauty counters, make many claims like «fight free radicals leaving skin tighter and more supple» or «Infused with antioxidants for more youthful looking skin,» or «Packed with peptides and collagen boosters to fight wrinkles.»
In the elections of the autumn of 1819, most of the members of the very radical Left were re-elected, including the Abbé Grégoire (who in 1792 voted for the abolition of the monarchy and the prosecution of Louis XVI).
Naeem Mohaiemen, born in 1969 in London, produces films which reflect on recent histories of the global radical Left — politics forms an urgent thread through his work.
Why does so much of the putative radical left now seek to identify itself with the climate change issue?
I think that Al Gore, his groopies, and the destructive policies that give Radical Left - wing «elites» power, are the most immeadiate threat to human life on earth.
Of course, Fin - de-siècle Paris was a time and place of political upheaval and cultural transformation, during which sustained economic crisis and social problems spurred the rise of radical left - wing groups and an attendant backlash of conservatism that plagued France throughout the late 1890s.
Ahead of the make - or - break vote in Athens's parliament, Tsipras held back - to - back meetings as he attempted to rally support for measures at total variance with the rationale of his radical left party.
In an outburst that was extraordinary coming from the most senior official in the EU parliament, he argued that the radical left Syriza government should be replaced by a technocratic administration.
A flurry of other meetings will also be held Monday as European leaders sized up the implications of the vote, a victory for Greece's radical left - wing Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, who insisted it did not mean a «rupture» with Europe.
Now that Samaras has failed to create a government, the mandate goes to Alexis Tsipras, the 38 - year - old head of the Radical Left Coalition, or Syriza, who came in second place with 16.78 percent and 52 seats.
«Today, after two and a half years of barbarism, democracy at last returns to its birthplace,» said Alexis Tsipras, leader of the Coalition of the Radical Left, an amalgam of former Communist Party members.
After Greek conservatives failed to create a government, the baton passed to the Radical Left Coalition leader Alexis Tsipras.
Unless business confidence and recovery can be fostered in the coming months, the country may continue to face a highly uncertain economic and political outlook, even should the radical left government of Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras manage to survive its own internal contradictions.
The money - strapped country and Syriza, its radical left - wing ruling party, are back in the headlines and on the minds of investors, as predictions that Greece could leave the eurozone abound.
One European Union official called this week's draft the first serious set of proposals since talks began after Tsipras's Coalition of the Radical Left, or Syriza, took power in January.
Appropo slogan for many of the radical left.
Not a peep out of the radical left about Muslims, but mention anything about Christians and its a free for all.
Mormonism started as a radical left religion with polygamy and as a cult that fought against normal values.
Like many young Jewish intellectuals of the Depression era, he early embraced the politics of the radical left.
The left will spew it's hate and attack anyone that does not share its radical left viewpoints.
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