Sentences with phrase «radical nature of»

«The Radical Nature of the Relationship Enhancement Expressive Skill and Its Implications for Therapy and Psychoeducation.»
The radical nature of the DAO, plus a security breach in the DAO, caused the cryptocurrency to falter last year.
«That many of these add - ons are mere gestures, at best, is now clear, as their impacts on home energy consumption can now be measured and usually offer scant justification for the radical nature of the design.»
This retrospective brings together the breadth of his practice to reveal the unique beauty and radical nature of his punnings, plans, performances, and interventions evident in the many media in which he worked: the sculptural objects (most notably from building cuts), drawings, films, photographs, notebooks, and documentary material.
The group is a global coalition affirming the radical nature of art.
STADEL MUSEUM * June 26 - September 22 * Curated by Marlin Engler * Can the radical nature of Piero Manzoni's work be appreciated in a museum retrospective mounted fifty years after his death?
It is an exhibiton that focuses on the radical nature of painting.
Historical documents help viewers understand the radical nature of these artistic choices.
This retrospective celebrates the brilliance and radical nature of his work in various media: sculptural objects (most, notably, from building cuts), drawings, films, photographs, notebooks, and documentary materials.
Historical documents will further help viewers understand the radical nature of these artistic choices.
But because of the radical nature of the time, and the kind of painting we were doing in Paris in the»60s, you had to go to that somewhere else, and do something there, if you thought that things were not the way they ought to be.
Mr Clegg rejected the suggestion the radical nature of the solutions proposed meant a commensurately radical cost to public spending plans.
I also want to lift up stories from allies as they work to share their own journey of opening to the truly radical nature of God's unstoppable love.
We asked whether Bultmann does justice to the radical nature of this inquiry.
And does he do justice to the radical nature of the answer which is given us in the New Testament?
Both Nygren and D'Arcy seem to sense this though neither considers the question whether another metaphysical outlook might be compatible with the radical nature of love as grace, and with God's self - involvement in history.
For in the face of what appeared at the time (1929) to be the radical nature of Russell's views about sex and marriage, some of his most important arguments were, I think, misinterpreted and overlooked.
When one considers the magnitude and radical nature of the questions posed for the theologian by the new world, it is not surprising to find that theologians are beginning to speak about a new reformation more radical than that of the sixteenth century.
In any event, illustrating the radical nature of the Ecocide Movement; the Marxists have picked up the cause.
No such radical qualitative transformation of the structure of international relations has ever occurred in history, and the radical nature of the transformation calls for correspondingly radical innovations in the sphere of policy.
Neither of these suggestions is convincing, and, indeed, the radical nature of the saying is the guarantee of its authenticity.
Only as we rethink the radical nature of Christian community and reform our institutions so that they might faithfully strive to transmit their cumulative tradition through ritual and life, to nurture and convert persons to Christian faith through common experience and interaction, and to prepare and motivate persons for individual and corporate action in society can true Christian education emerge.
The rank and file conference member was thinking of the church caring for its children while the campus minister understood clearly the radical nature of the revolution going on.
but the fact that you are asking that question DOES mean you are actually hearing the radical nature of grace in comparison with the self - salvation of religion.
Through my own pastoral experiences I have come to see that neo-orthodoxy — with all its emphasis on realism in theology, on the kerygma of the Bible, on the sinfulness of personal and corporate life, on the radical nature of the new life, and so forth — is hesitant and weak in calling persons to a positive faith.
The drama of sacraments as occasions in which the power of God comes to dwell in the believer can become obscured when a church takes its rites for granted or forgets the radical nature of Christian identity.
In order to overcome that complacency, Christians must understand the radical nature of the Christian life.

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Of course, our transition was in no way a radical rejection of protecting nature; instead, it was a reminder to governments and businesses that communities could not thrive without naturOf course, our transition was in no way a radical rejection of protecting nature; instead, it was a reminder to governments and businesses that communities could not thrive without naturof protecting nature; instead, it was a reminder to governments and businesses that communities could not thrive without nature.
Interest rates can not be cut far below zero without radical changes in the nature of money (the Bank of England's chief economist recently suggested eliminating cash).
That is the radical nature (why it is so different than every other form of religion on the planet) of Christianity.
According to Hans Jonas, the birth of modern science was bound up with the advent of a radical new view of reality, a «technological ontology» that conflates nature and artifice, knowing and making, truth and utility.
This is the radical and stunning nature of the gospel.
Second, a consistent acceptance of process generalizations about how things go in the world can provide the material for the radical reconception, of what can be affirmed about that reality greater than humankind or nature — about God, to use the traditional word for that reality.
Moreover, Jesus» correspondence to God's deepest nature (his «freedom which is love») allowed him his radical liberation from the «dead seriousness» of history, says Moltmann; the laughter of Easter reveals that life can indeed be taken playfully, 50
It is the need to get further light on this question which has led in the twentieth century to a radical rethinking of the nature of pastoral care.
This is not a question of going back to the fight for survival, to «nature red in tooth and claw,» but the appearance of something infinitely more radical and sinister.
In a book which offers a radical rethink on the nature of the soul, this is a fatal flaw.
When the nature of Christ and his gospel was challenged in the church of Galatia in ways less radical than it is by the Church of Latter - day Saints, St. Paul wrote, «But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach a gospel to you besides that which we have preached to you, let him be anathema.»
Let us consider then what the nature of the total or radical transformation of reason ought to be so that we can decide what kind of religious belief is most adequate to achieve this true transformation.
As a consequence of the new knowledge of nature Whitehead followed to a radical conclusion the road opened by Leibniz.
What Kant perceived as «radical evil,» rendering the freedom of man subservient to the mechanisms of nature that persisted in him, takes on an even darker and more subtle turn in this emergent situation.
For that is precisely what so much of the spiritually impoverished world of radical secularism and lifestyle libertinism now denies: that there is any «human nature» which public policy and law must respect.
The categorical imperative to «treat humanity, whether in thine own person or in that of any other, in every case as an end withal, never as means only» (46) was, for Kant, the «universal law of nature» (38) and his understanding of it is the most radical conception of natural law in its modern sense.
If you think of radical Islam not as a religion, but as a hostile ideology (e.g., communism), its nature becomes clearer.
Conservatives, despite their substantive disagreements about the ultimate nature of things, have resisted liberal and radical calls for «transparency» in social life precisely because they understand that society can not withstand a too systematic or energetic analysis of its sometimes fragile foundations.
The first commandment given to Moses on Sinai ratified a radical polarity between God and man, and it purged nature of all its divine mediations.
In a time of a global transformation of consciousness, the church needs to engage the world based on its radical roots in God's revelation, but informed by current views of the nature of reality.
The criticism already given of Alexander's concept of metaphysics in The Idea of Nature (IN 163) becomes even more radical in An Essay on Metaphysics.
But there are others for whom evil is no mere relation of the subject to particular outer things, but something more radical and general, a wrongness or vice in his essential nature, which no alteration of the environment, or any superficial rearrangement of the inner self, can cure, and which requires a supernatural remedy.
Networks working in this direction are many and diverse in nature, ranging from radical political militancy to forms of moderate, reformist or humanitarian voluntary civil associations.
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