Sentences with phrase «radical opposition»

They may, indeed, be in radical opposition to dominant elements in the culture.
A dualistic radical opposition of Grace to nature has led to bibliolatry, the denial of the human element in the process of Revelation.
The dualistic radical opposition of nature to Grace is probably the reason that Protestantism never developed a Marian Tradition.
The 16th century Protestant radical opposition of nature to Grace also contributed to believing that the healing and transformation of our humanitiy was a transcendent eschatological hope rather than a hope for immanent / temporal transformative process.
It is dualistic, setting the complementary opposites of Grace & nature, Bible and Tradition, faith and reason, and Grace and faith in radical opposition to each other so that, becoming «spiritual» requires us to despise our own humanity — a humanity that God merely loved; but assumed in the Mystery of the Incarnation.
Converted by a 1968 sabbatical year at Oxford to radical opposition to the Vietnam War, Braaten elaborated an eschatological ethics that sought, without succumbing to secular utopian schemes of violent social transformation, to «baptize the concept of revolution.»
This means that theology can reach a true coincidentia oppositorum only on the negative ground of the realization of the radical opposition between Existenz and faith.
And true «practice» in radical opposition to theory is not the mere execution of something planned and hence merely theoretical, but opening oneself to and risking the unplanned, so that the true possibility of what is risked appears only in this practice.
The radical opposition of Grace to nature in classical Protestantism has resulted in a Western civilization that despises our humanity and ignores our responsibility to practice stewardship rather than exploit our natural resources.
There is an irreducible conflict, a radical opposition, between the creative operation of each of these qualities, corresponding each time to a thetic16 judgment, and the ambition that human consciousness can have of verifying them for itself, by itself.
«Where these movements differ from the ones identified by Shinn and Symanowski is in their sobriety about the future, their acknowledgment of radical opposition, their limited immediate expectations, and even their sense of historical horror.
There is no question that communism, as a total system of life and thought, and Christianity are in radical opposition.
Their background of radical opposition to overty and oppression is rather lacklustre, especially over recent years.
For individuals whose lives were often arranged in radical opposition to normative culture, coming together in meeting halls, or around a meal, was central to their utopian ambition.
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