Sentences with phrase «radical view of»

About Blog Structural archaeologist Geoff Carter's radical view of building in the ancient world, especially the archaeology of the lost timber built environment of Southern England.
I take a more radical view of education than many, finding myself in tune with the ideas of people like Robert Maynard Hutchins, quoted above, Oscar Wilde, Albert Einstein, and A.S. Neill.
He is known for his radical view of art and his works in public space.
Recently, Safe Schools Coalition has been accused of «promoting a radical view of gender and sexuality», and foisting it on schools through «indoctrination», «enforcement», and «induction».
There simply is no other starting - point that takes seriously enough the radical view of the nature of the sources which the results of contemporary research are forcing upon us.
The grounds for a radical view of our situation and for holding to radical transcendence is the word of Easter.
Because of the radical views of Tatian, the church Fathers in the west portrayed him as the epitome of heretics.
«In the Christian Student World, the WSCF meeting in Strasburg of 1960 has been interpreted as a sign of the times: hence according to recent interpreters, the voice of Karl Barth, Visser» t Hooft, Leslie Newbigin and D.T. Niles... were unable to hold their hearers with neo-orthodox presentations; rather, the missiologically radical views of J.C. (Hans) Hoekendijk, showing a certain impatience with the Church and its institutional forms, while pointing to the missio Dei, God's activity in the world and its structures independently of the Church, caught the student mood».9
Peter became fascinated with the radical views of the art world in the 60s and 70s and especially with such famous figures as Andy Warhol and Willem de Kooning.

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A head - mounted computer that inserts interactive objects and holograms into your field of view, it could transform the world of work, pave the way for screenless computers, and create radical new entertainment mediums.
While there are some signs of recognition such as the Fed's reduction in its estimated neutral rate from 4.5 percent to 3.0 percent during the last 2 years, the IMF's explicit use of the term secular stagnation in its World Economic Outlook, ECB president Mario Draghi's call for global coordination and greater use of fiscal policy, and Japan's indicated interest in fiscal - monetary cooperation, policymakers still have not made sufficiently radical adjustments in their world view to reflect this new reality of a world where generating adequate nominal GDP growth is likely to be the primary macroeconomic policy challenge for the next decade.
The measures were radical: From July 2016, Trump's canvassers were provided with an app with which they could identify the political views and personality types of the inhabitants of a house.
In our view, gold is exceptionally cheap at the moment because the radical monetary policies practiced by the world's leading central banks have led to an egregious mispricing of risk by investors at large.
But readers may rest assured that his views concerning many of these were equally radical.
Investigators believe that the views of the two brothers grew more radical over time, and were influenced at least partly by the Internet sermons of Mr. Awlaki.
Outside of our borders, American Fundamentalist Christians are looked upon in the same way some US citizens view radical Islamic followers.
Often viewed as Radical Reformers, these Christians were convinced that the reforms of Luther, Zwingli and Calvin didn't go far enough in their attempts to decentralize power.
Read Rodney Stark's «The Rise of Christianity» to get a realistic view of the radical changes Christianity brought about in the Roman Empire... many of which are * assumed * as rights in modern Western Civilization.
I feel like your ability to blame the entire believing bass on a few of those who have radical views, shows your inability of understanding and tolerance.
Biblical interpretation naturally absorbs a lot of ink; but «modern biblical scholars» will be surprised to learn that many of them regard miracle stories as fictions «designed to influence the common folk of an ancient and more simple time»: a view closer to old - fashioned anticlericalism of Thomas Paine's vintage than modern scholarship even of a radical stripe.
This view of the brain has radical implications for treatment.
She rejects a limiting view of feminism as the quest for women's equality with men in favor of radical feminism's focus on «the autonomy, independence, and creation of the female Self in affinity with others like the Self» (GFF 11).
She insists on an essentially theological view of the world as the only appropriate starting point for effective radical politics — the only way to maintain a right understanding of what we are about and to avoid partisanship in our efforts to do justice, love mercy and walk humbly with God.
According to Hans Jonas, the birth of modern science was bound up with the advent of a radical new view of reality, a «technological ontology» that conflates nature and artifice, knowing and making, truth and utility.
To the unsuspecting reader, it might seem that Altizer has in fact returned to his first stage, but for those who view Altizer's development as an ever - increasing awareness of the full implications of the dialectical method, Buddhism is now seen as the reversible (i.e., dialectical) ground on which a new radical Christianity can be founded.
Contrary to the orthodox view that the Resurrection inevitably led to Christ's ascension to transcendent glory, Altizer's radical interpretation of the Resurrection sees it as just another point on the continuum of kenotic Incarnation: the dialectical movement from primordial, transcendent Spirit to radical immanence and flesh.
He seeks the essence of an idea, a doctrine, a point of view; and when he finds it, he discards all the qualifications with which it is surrounded in order to elicit its pure and radical meaning.
suffering, true sociality, as qualities of the divine, along with radical differences (as we shall see) in the meanings ascribed to creation, the universe, human freedom, and in the arguments for the existence of God, those inclined to think that any view that is intimately connected with theological traditions must have been disposed of by this time should also beware lest they commit a non sequitur.
A male psychoanalyst could work with women throughout his professional career, adjusting his theory to his practice, without coming to see that Freud's fundamental view of the male — female relation is in need of radical change.
Although as an analyst she was radical for her times in her feminist views, she lacked the explicit emphasis of radical feminist therapists today on the therapeutic necessity of empowering people in therapy to change the social - political causes of their personal problems.
Her view, it would say, reflects a heritage rooted in religious establishment, even if today it wants to establish a radical theology instead of a conservative one.
I have called this the coup de culture, in which Judeo / Christian moral philosphy (which is different from religious faith), the once generally accepted value system of the West is being supplanted by a (roughly) utilitarian / hedonistic (not in the sensual sense) / scientism - radical environmentalism view of life.
Can Christians endure a radical renegotiation of the social contract and find ways to hold fast with what they know, articulate their views, and be heard?
He articulates a world view which combines the classic search for being with the radical historical and temporal consciousness of the twentieth century.
These were radicals with twisted views of their «religion»'s teaching.
The difference between the most radical statements on abortion and the more conservative statements seems to reflect the difference between a relational - activist view of human beings and a view of human beings as static substances, akin to the anthropology of classical philosophy.
Only the federal government, in Stern's view, has the resources and the moral authority to protect us from the violent enmity of the radical right.
No Christian or Jewish theologian alert to the radical theocentrism at the heart of theology can rest content with the fatal social view that religious convictions are purely «personal preferences» or «private options.»
The difference between radical and conservative statements on abortion reflects the difference between relational and static views of humans.
Bergson does not seem to be, in these passages, adopting the Jamesian view of time, but is still insisting on the radical continuity of time without offering an explanation of this continuity.
If it is rebutted that we need not speak of the experience as the object of knowledge of this reflexive awareness, then this view boils down to a recommendation for a radical shift in our understanding of what we mean when we speak of an «awareness of» or «knowledge of» something, a shift which is unwarranted.
The Earth Charter is the project of a loose group of NGOs who hoped to use their accreditation to the 1992 UN «Conference on Environment and Development» at Rio de Janeiro (the «Earth Summit») to get a document containing some more radical environmental views on the formal agenda and, if possible, adopted.
We Americans, religious and secular both, have powerful fundamental views about religion that put radical Islam in a certain context, one that prevents us from understanding how unlike other American religious expressions it is — and how much of a threat it is to the civil order.
Despite the mouthing of traditional formulas, when these positions are given full theological explication, they will be found to express a fundamentally different view of the Bible — fully consistent with the radical party of evangelical feminists but irreconcilable with Lindsell's understanding.
In fact, the radical consequences for domestic issues of this growing black international consciousness — usually dubbed anti-Americanism by the vulgar right — frightens the new black conservatives, who find themselves viewed in many black communities as mere apologists for pernicious U.S. foreign policies.
For tribals, in the face of radical change or threat of change, issues related to preservation of their identity and space on the one hand, and dealing with the new world - view on the other, were vital to their sustained and meaningful continuance.
In a time of a global transformation of consciousness, the church needs to engage the world based on its radical roots in God's revelation, but informed by current views of the nature of reality.
My own view right now is that we need to be engaged in an intense systemic consciousness - raising effort in the light of radical transcendence.
Granted that he might have uttered similar sayings, with verbal variations, at different times and places, we have here a radical difference in points of view.
People in and out of the churches were freed to express their radical views.
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