Sentences with phrase «radio waves designed»

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Thus far, intelligent design theory has eliminated (falsified) all extraterrestrial examples of radio waves monitored as being the product of intelligent design
Defense contractor Lockheed Martin will soon flight - test a plasma antenna (encased in a tough, nonconducting polymer) that is designed to be immune from detection by radar even as it transmits and receives low - frequency radio waves.
There are scientific benefits to pinpointing its location, says Wlodek Kofman, principal investigator on Rosetta's CONSERT (Comet Nucleus Sounding Experiment by Radiowave Transmission) experiment, designed to send radio waves between the parent craft and Philae to study the comet's interior.
And Wilson and Penzias discovered the cosmic microwave background radiation, physical evidence for the Big Bang, while fiddling with an antenna designed to catch radio waves bouncing off satellites.
The team fired artificially generated neutrinos into their ice sculpture and successfully measured radio waves using the ANITA antennas (, which are designed to pick out radio waves from GZK neutrinos and nothing else.
Alvaro has contributed the design of the receiver optics components, which guide the radio signals from the antenna to the receiver (e.g. a plastic lens to re-focus the radiation from astronomical sources and the horn to collect these radio waves).
The Sinjimoru RFID Blocking Card designed to encase your credit cards in a material that interferes with radio waves.
That radio wave or long - wave infrared can be detected [by instruments designed to detect them] doesn't mean they warming things.
Apple's current aluminum iPhone design requires gaps in the metal in order for radio waves to pass in and out of the housing.
At the time, it was designed to replace RS - 232 telecommunication cables, a much older standard conceived in 1960, by using short range UHF radio waves between 2.4 and 2.485 GHz.
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