Sentences with phrase «radioactive decay processes»

These electrically neutral subatomic particles are made in stars and nuclear reactors as a byproduct of radioactive decay processes.

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The idea is that while the or - ganism was alive it had a known amount of each type of carbon, but that once it has died, the amount of one type of carbon decreases at a known rate through a process of radioactive decay.
No known process can explain how they could mess around with radioactive decay rates.
This is a routine bookkeeping style of research: According to known physics, this type of radioactive decay is a fundamental process that unfolds at an unchanging rate, and all the researchers were aiming to do was to measure that rate and record it for reference.
Neutrinoless double beta decay is a variation on standard beta decay, a relatively common radioactive process that occurs naturally on Earth.
This process explains how particles can escape atomic nuclei, causing radioactive alpha decay.
As Formaggio explains it, when a radioactive atom such as tritium decays, it turns into an isotope of helium and, in the process, also releases an electron and a neutrino.
The aim is to use the detector to try to observe a theoretical atomic event called neutrinoless double - beta decay — a radioactive process whereby an atomic nucleus releases two electrons and no neutrinos.
decay (for radioactive materials) The process whereby a radioactive isotope or particle sheds energy.
Using the known decay rates of various radioactive isotopes, he investigates the chronology of early processes on small planetary objects and studies the chemical and physical aspects of old and young crust - forming processes on Earth.
DefinitionSamarium — neodymium dating uses the radioactive decay of 147Sm to 143Nd and 146Sm to 142Nd to measure the age of rocks and minerals and to trace and date geochemical processes responsible for the chemical differentiation of the Earth and the terrestrial planets and to the geochemical and cosmochemical communities in the early 1970s, the Sm — Nd radioactive decay systems have grown into essential tools in geochronology and particularly for the Sm - Nd dating of gabbro - and garnet - bearing contact metamorphic / anatectic rocks from Krutfjellet, Nordland, and some geochemical aspects of the intrusives
Radon is one link in the decay process which emits radioactive radiation in the form of an alpha particle.
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