Sentences with phrase «radioactive material into»

There are other obstacles as well, such as the facts that nuclear power plants take a long time and a lot of material to build, release radioactive material into the environment in «unplanned releases,» generate waste which must be kept isolated from the biosphere for as much as 10,000 years, and create more potential bomb material cruising around the economy.
Ever since a catastrophic earthquake hit Fukushima in March 2011, resulting in the meltdown of three nuclear reactors and the release of radioactive material into the surrounding environment, this rural northeastern region of Japan has never recovered.
By then, they all knew better, but they went ahead and dumped all that radioactive material into the soil.
Their approach involves converting radioactive material into short - lived nuclides by absorbing surplus neutrons... Read more →
Such tests are often performed by injecting a small amount of radioactive material into the blood and tracking its path with cameras that detect radioactive decay.
Densely packed pools are highly vulnerable to catching fire and releasing huge amounts of radioactive material into the atmosphere.
«They were concerned venting might allow a flow of radioactive materials into the air, and they had not yet fully evacuated the area,» explains mechanical engineer Vijay Nilekani of the Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI), an industry group.
That process can concentrate toxic and radioactive materials into highly contaminated sludges.

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This material almost immediately decayed into lighter elements, leading to a bright, radioactive «kilonova» astronomers could see some 85 million to 160 million light - years away from Earth.
There, a nuclear explosion can suck up dirt, debris, water, and other materials, creating many tons of radioactive fallout — and this material rises high into the atmosphere, where it drifts for hundreds of miles.
Indian Point officials will send a camera - equipped robot into pipes beneath the nuclear power plant next week to try to find the source of radioactive material showing up in the groundwater below the plant.
Six years after the Fukushima nuclear reactor disaster in Japan, radioactive material is leaching into the Pacific Ocean from an unexpected place.
«We have to take care, because there are huge amounts of materials around the Fukushima nuclear plant,» he says, concerned that radioactive materials in the debris could be released into the atmosphere all over again if ignited.
TEPCO is currently injecting seawater and boric acid — boron absorbs the neutrons that radioactive materials give off to prevent any self - sustaining fission — into two of the three reactors, according to the company's statements.
Organic liquids, radioactive materials, halogenated liquids (chloroform, for example), and certain metal salts are all things that shouldn't be introduced into the environment.
The prevailing winds are indeed heading east over the Pacific from Japan, but the vast majority of radioactive material will rain down into the ocean within a few hundred kilometers of the nuclear plant.
This is potentially more worrying than the venting of contaminated gases from reactors 1, 2 and 3, as the fire released radioactive material straight into the atmosphere.
Unless a large explosion sends radioactive material high into the atmosphere, most of the fallout from Japan will not make it across the Pacific Ocean.
The study found that some well waste from the Marcellus shale in Pennsylvania contained radioactive material not previously reported, with the potential for leaching from landfills into the environment.
If drug cartels can regularly sneak tons of narcotics into and around the country, surely terrorists can do the same with a much smaller cache of radioactive material.
This means that some radioactive material gets into the turbine and condensers and pumps, but these are usually very short - lived radionuclides.
Otherwise, radioactive material and a slew of other toxic compounds could leach into the groundwater, potentially tainting it for generations.
You get some radioactive material going up to about 500 meters up into the air.»
After all, 30 kilometers was the extent of the spread of dangerous radioactive material even at Chernobyl, a far worse nuclear accident that included an intense fire that wafted radioactive particles more than 9,000 meters into the air.
From samples of seawater, Jota Kanda of Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology estimated last year that about 0.3 terabecquerels (TBq) of radioactive material are leaking into the sea each month.
On 23 May 2013, a malfunction sent a brief, unexpectedly high intensity beam at a gold target and vaporized radioactive material leaked into the experiment hall.
When the U.S. military abandoned Camp Century, a complex of tunnels dug into the ice of northwest Greenland, in the mid-1960s, they left behind thousands of tons of waste, including hazardous radioactive and chemical materials.
Uranium dating is one of the ways of determining the age of ancient objects, even one million years old, by measuring how much of the following are present in them: the amount of radioactive isotopes of uranium, and the amount of other materials into which the radioactive isotopes would decompose.
I came across a disturbing New Yorker article from 2007 by Steve Coll, who wrote of the alarming amount of unguarded, highly radioactive material floating around the world, and the ease with which it could be made into a dirty bomb.
With respect to your question, in the case of forest fires, there is remobilization of radioactive materials that have been deposited into the plant material.
Research under Revelle's direction on the «fate of radioactive materials introduced into the sea» is reported in Scripps Institution of Oceanography (R. Revelle), «ONR Progress Report No. 40,» 6 July 1956, copy in box 36, folder 14, James Arnold Papers MSS 112, Geisel Library, University of California, San Diego.
This included fracking wastewater that state officials had allowed to be dumped at local sewer plants — facilities incapable of removing the complex mix of chemicals, corrosive salts, and radioactive materials from that kind of industrial waste before they piped the «treated» water back into Pennsylvania's rivers.
«NRC's regulations allow certain levels of radioactive materials to be discharged into the environment.
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