Sentences with phrase «radiochromic bolus»

I believe it's very difficult to get a photo or video of a homo sapiens actor or model forming a bolus and preparing to swallow a morsel of sustenance that makes an onlooker hungry.
For a cup and a half of this soup I bolus for about 20 grams of carbs, in case you're curious.
This prevents it from forming a bolus, or cluster, in the stomach, meaning it is absorbed at a faster rate than micellar casein.
When the baby progresses to firmer food requiring chewing, and the bolus of food needs to be moved from side to side, to assist mastication by the jaws, many children with tongue tie will reject food that is difficult to chew, or move it around their mouths with their fingers.
Alternatively, as milk flow is slowed, it takes longer to accumulate a bolus, swallowing rate is reduced, and the infant has more time to breathe during feeding.
For the baby with low tone or with swallowing difficulty, slowing the flow allows them a longer period of time to coordinate a safe swallow and to completely clear the oropharynx of fluid before another bolus accumulates, reducing the likelihood of aspiration.
A bolus type of epidural will depend on when the last dose of medication was given.
Many of the epidural side effects mentioned below are not improved with low - dose or walking epidurals, because women using these techniques may still receive a substantial total dose of local anesthetic, especially when continuous infusions and / or patient - controlled boluses (single large doses) are used.34 The addition of opiate drugs in epidurals or CSEs can create further risks for the mother, such as pruritus (itching) and respiratory depression (see below).
Even with this «preloading,» episodes of significant low blood pressure (hypotension) occur for up to half of all woman laboring with an epidural, 35, 36 especially in the minutes following the administration of a drug bolus.
«As scientists, we already knew that male butterfly ejaculates were three-fold complex structures we call spermatophores — composed of an outer envelope, an inner matrix of fluids and a bolus of sperm,» says UC's Morehouse.
The Ebola bolus includes $ 25 million for the Food and Drug Administration for purposes such as expediting drug and vaccine approval.
Unlike regular paclitaxel, which is given intravenously over a few hours, Nanotax is given as a bolus injection, a single large dosage all at once.
The digestive functions of saliva include moistening food, and helping to create a food bolus, so it can be swallowed easily.
This time, we'll see a huge, absolute drop in funding after the massive one - time «bolus» of stimulus money passes through.
«Today the modeling coming out from WHO and CDC certainly show what can happen if we don't inject a large bolus of international assistance,» Beth Cameron, a U.S. National Security Council staff member, said at an Ebola conference held at Georgetown University today.
Some blame a bumbling global response and corrupt and inefficient governments ill - equipped to handle the bolus of money that came their way; others point to new genetic evidence that shows that, in addition to spreading, artemisinin resistance is popping up independently in multiple spots across the region, dooming any attempt to build a firewall.
More than 10 women are pregnant via the firm's proprietary in vitro fertilization (IVF) method, which adds a bolus of a woman's own mitochondria to her mature egg.
Gulp explores the alimentary canal, moving like a bolus of food from mouth to stomach to lower gastrointestinal tract.
In the case of NIH, for example, the 2 recent decades include two sharp rises — a 5 - year doubling between 1998 to 2003 and a one - time bolus of money in 2009 that increased NIH's budget by roughly one - third.
Compared to a bolus injection containing the same drugs and antigens (but no scaffold), the 3D vaccine was more effective at preventing tumor growth, with 90 % of mice receiving the 3D vaccine still alive at 30 days compared with only 60 % of mice given the bolus injection.
-- you can thank the successive wave - like motions of peristalsis for keeping the chewed bolus down and ferrying it into your stomach.
She works in a 3D Dosimetry lab under Dr. Mark Oldham where she is helping to develop and characterize an exciting new radiation therapy treatment tool, which is a new radiochromic bolus that changes color when it is irradiated.
This bolus can be scanned to reveal exactly where the radiation therapy dose was delivered.
A single bolus IV injection of MP - 10 at all doses studied (0.18, 0.52, and 1.5 mg / kg) produced a clear increase in the firing rate of STN neurons in both WT and TG rats.
Comparison of arterial spin labeling and bolus perfusion - weighted imaging for detecting mismatch in acute stroke.
Trends in the safety of high dose bolus interleukin - 2 administration in patients with metastatic cancer.
Carozza et al (2011) find that natural global warming occurred in 2 stages: First, global warming of 3 ° to 9 ° C accompanied by a large bolus of organic carbon released to the atmosphere through the burning of terrestrial biomass (Kurtz et al, 2003) over approximately a 50 - year period; second, a catastrophic release of methane hydrate from sediment, followed by the oxidation of a part of this methane gas in the water column and the escape of the remaining CH4 to the atmosphere over a 50 - year period.
Treatment of 283 consecutive patients with metastatic melanoma or renal cell cancer using high - dose bolus interleukin 2.
To measure the impact of ApoC - III suppression on the clearance of dietary TGs in the circulation, we administered a bolus of corn oil by oral gavage to mice treated with ApoC - III ASO and sampled their blood at various time points.
Similar results were obtained when overnight - fasted mice were orally gavaged with a bolus of corn oil containing [3H] retinol (the disappearance of [3H] retinol from plasma is a direct measure of hepatic clearance of intestinally derived lipoproteins)(Figure 4, C — I).
At 8 days iPS - RPE were no longer present as a layer, and instead formed cell boluses.
At 1 pm, they were given a 200 - μl bolus of corn oil (Sigma - Aldrich) by oral gavage.
Among these systems, hypothalamo - neurohypophyseal magnocellular neurons have been early - considered models, as they typically display an electrical activity consisting of bursts of action potentials that is optimal for the release of boluses of the neurohormones oxytocin and vasopressin.
Importantly, akin to HESC - RPE in vivo, cells at the outside edge of the iPS - RPE cell bolus could phagocytose photoreceptor outer segments from the RCS rat, as indicated by the presence of rhodopsin - positive photoreceptor material within the cellular membrane of iPS - RPE labelled with HSM (Fig. 5E).
Eight weeks postinjection, the engraftment was confirmed by flow cytometric staining of peripheral blood cells for human CD45 + / CD33 + cells, followed by randomization into study groups and treatment with a single bolus IV injection of IMGN632 or the control ADC.
The chewed and softened ball of food is called a bolus.
The bolus of food is then propelled down our oesophagus by the process of peristalsis - a wave - like contraction of the muscles of our digestive system.
Even in a healthy person (with no diabetes) every bolus of carb dropped into your tummy will lead to a brief period of time where your blood sugar is higher than optimal.
masters athletes may benefit from higher doses of post-exercise dietary protein, with particular attention directed to the leucine content of the post-exercise bolus.
These hormones stimulate insulin production, but this effect is countered by their ability to slow exit of the food bolus from the stomach, and therefore spread out the effect of glucose on insulin production.
Lily helped me to figure out bolusing for proteins which greatly improved my blood sugars and gave me confidence to keep going with a low carb lifestyle.
So instead of having this really big bolus of caffeine, when we have the fat in it, you're going to see what happens is this.
This particular study showed an increased insulin response as a consequence of pre-ingesting sucralose, the artificial sweetener in Splenda ®, followed by a bolus ingestion of real sugar.
The amount of protein and fat in the bolus of food you are consuming also can delay the absorption of sugars leading to less of a spike in your blood glucose.
The stomach uses its very strong musculature to convert the mass of food that we swallowed from a bolus (a soft mass of chewed food) into chyme (pulpy acidic fluid).
There are three ways insulin is used: basal insulin is long - acting or intermediate acting, and covers the glucose the liver makes in - between meals and during sleep; bolus insulin, used for meals is usually a rapid - acting or short - acting insulin; and, correction insulin which is rapid - acting.
If we eat nuts with salad, the bolus of food in the stomach will be mixed.
The metabolic benefit of decreasing the rate of glucose absorption was clearly shown by studying the effect of 50 g glucose in water consumed either over 5 — 10 min (bolus) or at a constant rate over 3.5 h (sipping), as described by Jenkins et al (9).
Metabolic effects of reducing rate of glucose ingestion by single bolus versus continuous sipping
Mastication and creation of a bolus is the first part of our digestive process and it seems that avoiding it means down - regulating many of the subsequent digestive processes: — Saliva and gastrointestinal functions of taste, mastication, swallowing and digestion (
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