Sentences with phrase «rain forest destruction»

Global warming impacts could accelerate with the continued rain forest destruction rate.
In addition to climate changes and animal extinction, we are threatening the culture of native peoples that live within the rain forests with continued rain forest destruction.
More than a hundred animal and insect species are lost every day from rain forest destruction — a crucial, irreparable blow to the biodiversity essential to maintaining our planet's healthy ecology.
From an environmental perspective, Earth Balance does contain palm oil and the Palm Oil industry is having a terrible impact on rain forest destruction.
Pushed from center stage by the expected record arctic ice and permafrost melt, tropical rain forest destruction has been elbowing its way back through the smoke and into view.
Projects like these involve the construction of roads, which are gateways for expanded rain forest destruction.
Since that era, when rain forest destruction achieved something close to the visibility of global warming today, the World Bank and its sister institutions, including the International Finance Corporation, have been talking the sustainability talk.
«we are threatening the culture of native peoples that live within the rain forests with contined rain forest destruction»
«70,000 unfarmed hectares in the Niari region,» > translation > another huge area of rain forest destruction and wild habitat destruction for a bit of oil.
Indonesia could also impose a special tax on companies that profit from rain forest destruction, with the revenues dedicated to forest and orangutan conservation.
This is a big problem, but not as big as the rain forest destruction related to growing soybeans for animal feed for cattle, and for cattle grazing.
We need to stop the rain forest destruction!
We may never know if we continue to allow the rain forest destruction.
Of particular concern is rain forest destruction — which is running rampant throughout swaths of South America, Indonesia, and other equatorial regions.
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