Sentences with phrase «raise dumbbells»

Raise the dumbbells overhead into a shoulder press from the lunge position and bring back down.
With a slight bend in your arms, raise the dumbbells up to shoulder level and then lower them back to the starting position.
Simultaneously, raise the dumbbells directly to your sides.
Then raise the dumbbells back to the starting position.
Ending Position: Slowly raise the dumbbells all the way to the top in a slow motion while keeping your palms up the whole time — no spinning the dumbbells.
Bend your elbows to raise the dumbbells under control to shoulder height.
Besides these exercises, you can perform the bar, raise the dumbbells will make You stronger and start - UPS in the standard technique.
Raise the dumbbells to shoulder position with palms facing you as shown in the picture below.
Keeping a slight bend in your elbows, raise the dumbbells directly to the side, with your palms facing the ground, until they reach head level.
Technique: Raise dumbbells to shoulder height with palms in.
Finally, return arms fully extended down at sides and raise both dumbbells the full range of motion to shoulders and lower for the final 8 counts (d).
While keeping your arms close to your body, bend your elbows to raise the dumbbells under control to shoulder height.
Raise the dumbbells up and out to the sides in an arc until both of your upper arms become parallel to the floor.
Raise the dumbbells up and out to your side by extending your arms until your elbows reach shoulder height and your arms are roughly parallel to the floor, while trying to bring the shoulder blades as close together as possible.
With your elbows slightly bent and facing the ceiling, raise the dumbbells to shoulder level squeezing your shoulder blades at top of the movement.
Straighten legs back to standing as you raise dumbbells back to overhead position.
Raise the dumbbells 90 degrees out to the sides, then bring them in front of you and point them straight ahead.
Then raise the dumbbells over your head.
When you get to this position, start raising the dumbbell back to your chest.
During this exercise, gently fold the elbows and start raising the dumbbells to the sides.
Strive to give the triceps a good stretch at the bottom position, and then raise the dumbbell again to its starting position above your head at arms» length, while getting a peak contraction.
Raise the dumbbell until your forearm also points up.
Go back to the starting position by using the triceps to raise the dumbbell.
Raise the dumbbell back up to starting position.
Contract the left side, slowly raising the dumbbell back up to straight.
Holding it in a fixed position, raise the dumbbell from hanging up to the side of your pec around the nipple.
Hold for a brief second and then raise that dumbbell back to the starting position.
With your arms straight, raise each dumbbell alternately in front of you until your arm is parallel to the floor.
Seated Dumbbell Overhead / Military Press Standing Dumbbell Overhead / Military Press Dumbbell Front Raises Dumbbell Lateral Raises Dumbbell Reverse Flyes Dumbbell Straight Arm Extensions
With your arms slightly bent (no more than 10 to 15 degrees), raise each dumbbell simultaneously to your sides until your arm is parallel to the floor.
With free weights, you lower and raise a dumbbell behind your head by bending and straightening your arm.
Simultaneously perform a triceps extension by raising the dumbbells up toward the ceiling.
Friday: Seated Leg Presses Lying Leg Curls Smith Machine Lunges Stiff - Legged Deadlifts Box Jumps (3 x20 reps) Calf raises (3 x20 reps) Seated Overhead Dumbbell Press Dumbbell Front Raises Dumbbell Side Raises Bent - Over Lateral Raises
Return to starting position by using the triceps to raise the dumbbell (d).
Seated lateral dumbbell raises will be done in a position of leaning dumbbell lateral raise and lateral raise dumbbell so follow the instructions below for the dumbbell lateral raise exercise.
Some of my favourite exercises to perform drop sets with are: Leg press Leg extension Shoulder press Lateral raise Dumbbell chest press Cable flye Skull crusher Cable bicep curl
While keeping your arms extended and your trunck position constant, raise the dumbbell back to the starting position.
With a dumbbell in each hand, keep your elbows in close to your side and raise the dumbbell upwards.
Make sure your elbows are slightly towards your hips and simply raise the dumbbell straight up at 90 degrees and back down again.
Don't raise your arms above shoulder level and be careful not to arch your back when raising the dumbbells.
Raise the dumbbell over your head with two hands so that both hands are supporting one end of the dumbbell (the dumbbell will be vertical with one end supported and the other hanging below it).
MOVEMENT (EXECUTION): Keeping your upper arm in tight to your body, raise the dumbbell in a forward arc toward vertical position.
Standing with a tight core or sitting on a flat bench, raise a dumbbell above your head with both hands.

Not exact matches

30 seconds: Calf raises (push against the wall as if you are being arrested; should get 20 to 30 reps before fatigue) 30 seconds: Deep squat thrusters with 20 - pound dumbbells.
Try doing dumbbell flies, chest presses, push - ups, arm raises, and chest pulls.
The Shoulder Lateral Raise (also called Dumbbell Lateral Raises) is the perfect weight training exercise for pregnant women.
After completing the prescribed sets of overhead presses, you'll attack your delts with high - volume front dumbbell raises and front barbell raises to really exhaust your delts and ensure their optimal development.
Dumbbell lateral raises — «cheating» — 4 x 10.
One simple yet very effective way to overload the delts is by performing rack side raises: start with a relatively light pair of dumbbells and perform three reps of side raises, then move on to the next heavier pair of dumbbells and perform another set of three reps.
Start by performing 10 reps of dumbbell lateral raises with two 50 - pound dumbbells, then perform 10 reps of dumbbell front raises with two 45 - pound dumbbells, then again 10 reps of dumbbell lateral raises but with 40 - pound dumbbells followed by 10 reps of dumbbell front raises with 35 - pound dumbbells and so on.
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