Sentences with phrase «raise productive members of society»

Not exact matches

All I can do in this life is be happy, be kind to others, enjoy as many moments as possible, raise happy, healthy children that are productive members of society, and live each day to the fullest.
Their job is to raise their children to be productive and responsible members of society.
MILLIONS of parents whose faith placed them in the position of not just asking, but demanding under pain of grounding or even corporal punishment, that their grade school children abstain from what others are enjoying, have still raised well adjusted kids who've gone on to be productive, contributing members of society.
does not mean those of us that really need a little «me time» are raising children who will not become productive and empathetic members of society.
It's my job to raise them as productive, mature and reasonable members of society.
Ask your Mother if she felt like she was not a «productive member of society» raising you.
Most parents aspire to raise happy, healthy children who will become responsible, productive members of society (and move out of the house).
So... what I'm getting at is, studies like these are fine, but they don't address perfectly normal, appropriate behaviour of domestic dogs raised to be productive members of human society. . .
Born to people with interesting ideas about parenting, raised in a meth lab, and now having turned his life around and become a productive member of society and a better man, you'll be exposed to the risks that really can happen to people just like you.
Their business is to raise their child and provide the necessary skills for this child to grow into a productive member of society.
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