Sentences with phrase «raise your blood sugar because»

All of this raises your blood sugar because you're eating in a stressed environment.

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I say they have «zero carb impact»... and I know this to be true because I test my blood sugar and they don't raise it even a little.
The edamame beans are the perfect swap for your regular croutons because they're high in protein, don't raise blood sugar levels and may help to lower cholesterol.
I've found this sugar is «very healthy» and «good for you» because it «does not» raise your blood sugar.
The last thing you want to do before bed is eat sugary foods / drinks because they raise your blood sugar, which can block your body's ability to burn fat (among other health concerns).
Because potatoes are higher on the glycemic index, they can raise blood sugar levels, but pairing them with some healthy fats, or lean protein is a great way to slow the release of their natural sugars!
or dark chocolate, preferably in the evening because raising your blood sugar earlier in the day tends to increase your appetite for the rest of the day.
Normally there is a weight gain in the two weeks before the periods because they're craving sugary foods to raise their blood sugar and they're bloated.
It is much more nutritious than White Rice and, because it contains much more Fiber than White Rice, it raises blood sugar at a much slower rate.
The reason for this is because carbohydrates raise blood sugar levels, which causes a release of insulin.
Now the blood sugar usually spikes again because the sugar levels went so low — and the body produced too many stress hormones to raise the blood sugar.
However, even though whey proteins don't raise blood sugar, they do raise insulin levels substantially (see my dairy page), so you may need to be careful with these, because insulin spikes tell your body to make fat, not burn it.
We thought that sugar substitutes such as saccharin (Sweet «N Low), sucralose (Splenda), and aspartame (Equal) did not have a metabolic impact because they do not raise blood glucose levels.
How do we know sugar isn't raising metabolism but these people in the study aren't getting enough other nutrients (because of their deficient diet) to handle the increased metabolism so their adrenals need to come in and regulate blood sugar.
In particular, avoid these because they raise your blood sugar: white table sugar, honey, agave, brown sugar, sucralose (Splenda), maple syrup, and molasses.
These are also «High Glycemic» because rapid absorption raises the blood sugar same as eating pure sugar.
During transitioning to the Fat - Adapted Metabolic Foundation, recovery and base training periods an OFM Diet eliminates or minimizes concentrated carbohydrate sources from the daily diet because they are nutritional wastelands and raise blood sugar levels to where fats are not metabolized.
According to advocates of the glycemic index system, foods that are high on the GI scale such as rice cakes, carrots, potatoes, watermelon or grape juice are «unfavorable» and should be avoided because high GI foods are absorbed quickly, raise blood sugar rapidly and are therefore more likely to convert to fat or cause health problems.
Instead, we are urged to consume carbohydrates that are low on the GI scale such as black eye peas, barley, old fashioned oatmeal, peanuts, grapefruit, apples and beans because they do not raise blood sugar as rapidly.
Now of course, cortisol can, because of its effect to raise blood sugar, raise blood levels of fatty acids, cause high blood pressure, cause high heart rate.
From what I understand, agave doesn't raise the blood sugar as much because chemically it is composed more of fructose.
Because most treatments for type 2 diabetes utilize drugs that either raise insulin, or lower blood sugar.
Because dietary fiber is a carbohydrate that your body can not digest, it does not raise your blood sugar levels or trigger an insulin response.
Raised blood sugar is indeed a likely side effect of eating Halo Top because it is so low in fat.
They set off intense cravings for sugar, because your body is trying to raise its blood sugar level back to normal.
Other research shows that sweet potatoes can help regulate blood sugar because of their ability to raise blood levels of adiponectin, a protein hormone created by your fat cells, to help regulate how your body metabolizes insulin.27
I love black beans but I have to be careful not to eat more than 1/4 cup at a time because they will most certainly raise my blood sugar; others might not have that problem or might not be able to eat even a small amount.
You'll find a lot of fermented vegetables on my meal plan because they are nature's probiotic and help you reset your insulin so that you don't store fat at your belly and raise your blood sugar unnecessarily.
I don't use food or juice to bring up my blood sugar because it will raise my blood sugar too high above my target, and I am working for small corrections.
The stalk is excellent for animals with bad teeth because it is low in sugar content and unlikely to raise blood glucose levels.
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