Sentences with phrase «raised bumps»

The bowls themselves are pretty standard, except they have one to three raised bumps in the middle that dogs have to work around to get their food.
The back plate features a pattern of raised bumps which will greatly help with grip.
The little raised bumps give it a polka dot effect.
Some may look like raised bumps within, or just below the surface of, the skin.
If your baby is suffering from severe diaper rash, he / she will have raised bumps on the diaper area and it will be deep red in color.
Texture with raised bumps or roughness can give a good grip for your feet and hands.
Instead of a uniform, flat surface like previous readers, the Oasis looks like a wedge, with a slightly raised bump at one end that shifts the Kindle's center of gravity to your palm.
Small red raised bumps on the base of the tail and along the outside of the back legs, self - induced scratches, and thickened skin on the base of the tail are all signs of chronic flea allergy.
Hives are a specific type of allergic reaction that appear as round raised bumps that itch.
You will also notice single to several raised bumps (papules).
The two rings have different textured surfaces for baby to choose from according to his or her age and needs: 1) ridged surface for erupting teeth, and 2) raised bump surface
A deficiency of vitamin A can lead to rough, scaly skin, hyperkeratosis pillaris (raised bumps usually on the back of the arms) and acne.
I have seen other bowls for this same purpose and will buy one with LOW raised BUMPS in it instead.
Fleas usually cause the formation of a papule which is small solid raised bump covered with a crust.
The plastic exterior is almost completely smooth: the keypad buttons aren't individual, but a flat grid delineated by small, but effective raised bumps and the round control pad, situated in the middle of the phone's face, raises slightly on the outside and actually dips in to make a concave dish.
He had what were clearly 3 skin tags on his back, my female lab keeps licking the area and now there is a 2 «x2» cluster of raised bumps (cauliflower looking) along with the skin tags.
These dishes have raised bumps in the center of the basin that force Fido to eat around them, slowing the pace of his eating.
Dr. Jaliman cautions, «If there are itchy red raised bumps on the stomach and arms and legs, it could be something called PUPP.
Hives appear as round raised bumps that itch.
Another coat of the neutral polish makes it look like she has raised bumps on her nails, but everything is still OK.
Ringworm in horses usually begins as a small raised bump that is hairless.
I loved that the button to turn down the volume has three raised bumps, which made it easy to tell it apart from the button to increase the volume.
This is common problem that doesn't pass almost any baby by and is presented with skin warmth, redness and raised bumps.
If your baby has raised bumps and intense redness shown in a large area of the bottom, he or she has severe diaper rash.
The Cozy Bump is designed with a raised center and depressed ends in the leg section so that there is a slight decline of the head above and below the raised bump.
Rashes can have different appearances including red flat areas, raised bumps, welts, blisters or a combination.
Taste cells are located in clusters called taste buds, which in turn are found in papillae, the raised bumps visible on the tongue's surface.
Looking for the roots of this sensory decline, German researchers at Ruhr University Bochum stumbled on a surprise: rather than shriveling up, the brain's sensory body map — which helps us discriminate Braille letters by determining where the raised bumps are in relation to one another — expands with age, exactly as it does during learning.
The blue grain has eroded to the point that the raised bumps have been completely rubbed off.
The raised bumps on the white grain represent the sites of insertion for the sea urchin's spines.
If the scratch does not provoke a raised bump surrounded by a circle of red itchiness, the patient almost certainly is not allergic to the material.
It can start out as a small, raised bump and, as the rash grows larger, may resemble a target or bull's - eye.
So my friend and I took cotton balls, and dipped them in the colloidal silver, and applied the colloidal silver topically over her entire body on all the raised bumps.
Along with the raised bumps and patterns on these papers, she presented a video clip showing Richie proudly reading his Thinking Maps by hand and leading his classmates in discussing a description he had written.
They are easy to sex: males have two raised bumps on their upper carapace above the head; females have greatly diminished or absent bumps.
You may see just blackheads, or the cat may have red, raised bumps on their chin.
The bites can be felt as raised bumps.
Skin cancer on your cat may appear as a white plaque or raised bump on the skin, often this mass will ulcerate and bleed.
Some cats are sensitive to flea bites, but they're more likely to get a rash or sore than a raised bump.
This generalized swelling is typically followed by the development of raised bumps and pustules over the face, muzzle, and ears.
Female bearded dragons, on the other hand, will have a raised bump in the middle of their tail right above the vent.
The primary symptoms in people are a raised bump at the site where the bacteria has entered the skin and one or more swollen, tender lymph nodes.
Run your hands over your dog's entire body and look for small, raised bumps that may indicate tick infestation.
Ear mite infestations in humans can cause temporary papular dermatitis (raised bumps).
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