Sentences with phrase «raised by physicist»

«No» says theologian Alister McGrath, responding to three questions raised by physicist Jim Al - Khalili More

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The Way the World Is by John Polkinghorne, Westminster John Knox Press (distributed by Alban Books), 130pp, # 9.99 Leaving behind twenty - five years as a theoretical physicist and Cambridge professor of mathematical physics for Christian ministry was bound to raise a few eyebrows.
Mixing Motherhood and Science In an article reposted from Physics World, Gillian Gehring argues that — by contrast to opinions expressed by some prominent female scientists — it is possible for women to be good physicists and raise families.
Researchers led by space physicist Chuanfei Dong of the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL) and Princeton University have recently raised doubts about water on — and thus potential habitability of — frequently cited exoplanets that orbit red dwarfs, the most common stars in the Milky Way.
The results, which were reproduced in March by a separate European team, raise serious questions for astronomers as well as physicists.
The decision by the US Congress to cancel the $ 11 billion particle accelerator has forced physicists to question whether they can ever raise enough money to discover the fundamental workings of the Universe.
One possibility, raised in a 2009 paper by New York University - trained physicist Jia Liu, might be using dark matter as an energy source to power spacecraft on extremely long missions.
Hulburt's work should have put the controversy on the CO2 theory to an end, since «objections which have been raised against it by some physicists are not valid».
The questioner, the physicist about whom I'm writing today — let's call him Denier 3 — raised his hand at the end and asked if the speaker had considered the criticisms of climate models made by a scientist not present at this conference, a climate scientist famous for his denialist position (let's call him «Famous Denier»).
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