Sentences with phrase «raised garden bed»

They remind me of a raised garden bed... a little rustic, but clean lines.
My next diy project to tackle is a raised garden bed in our backyard!
Let me set the scene for you... Doug is outside working on the new raised garden bed Nick is mowing the front yard -LCB- he is off a...
You can grow tomatoes in containers, raised garden bed, upside down, or in a traditional garden.
As the years pass, the deep soil of your raised garden bed becomes incredibly rich and loaded with soil life.
Parramore's «Head Start» program at the Callahan Oaks Community Center and Knowledge for Living Center has helped us provide raised garden bed installations along with a hands - on education opportunity for their students, teachers, and volunteers.
I have never gardened before, aside from a failed attempt at a raised garden bed and a batch of never - ending bok choy planted by a roommate in a tiny Toronto backyard.
I have a tiny little raised garden bed too.
I filled the concrete block raised garden bed with rich garden soil and planted mums for some beautiful fall color.
This spring I will be replacing the concrete bed with a beautiful new raised garden bed by Keter.
I would also get their raised garden bed to plant milkweed for the Monarchs!
Fresh herbs can be found in planters on our front steps, lining Dustin's deck (it's like a «Man Cave» for grilling), and scattered throughout our raised garden bed.
I came up with the recipe a few years ago after I planted my first raised garden bed.
To further enhance the site, volunteers also built a double shade structure, a recycling bin, two tree benches, a bike rack, double sided art easels, a «little library» for residents to give and share books, plus raised garden beds.
We don't have a very big yard here and just got done converting about two - thirds of the backyard into a playground mulchy play area for the kids (as well as some raised garden beds for me), so the amount of grass we have back there is minimal.
In addition, a series of raised garden beds allow residents to plant flowers and vegetables in the spring to enjoy all summer long.
Sure, we can dream of building expensive raised garden beds to grow our own food or getting that fancy under the counter composter to make our own dirt.
Principal Tim Lauer, now in his seventh year at Lewis, has watched his outdoor learning space expand to include raised garden beds, greenhouses, composting bins, and even an outdoor classroom complete with eco-roof and barrels for harvesting rainwater.
Preschool to grade 6 students at Snake River Montessori School in Ammon, Idaho, came together to expand their outdoor learning environment and build a greenhouse and raised garden beds.
Featuring raised garden beds and a flowering shrub labyrinth among other live - plant structures, the Outdoor Learning Lab will reflect Dr. Maria Montessori's focus on outdoor experiences as an essential extension of the classroom environment.
Schaefer designed a dog run at Liz and Thomas Redman's new home, with a water feature for the dogs and raised gardening beds so the couple's three pooches wouldn't run through the more fragile plants and trample them.
After receiving a key to the site in mid-August 2013, we held a «big build» event in which volunteers and residents erected five tiny houses, built ten raised garden beds, and dug a 200 foot trench at two feet deep to run a water line to where the kitchen would eventually stand.
Since 2007, hundreds of youth and adults have created a native plant garden, an arbor and raised garden beds.
This makes for raised garden beds loaded with organic material, nutrients, air pockets for the roots of what you plant, etc..
Hugelkultur is nothing more than making raised garden beds filled with rotten wood.
The landscape architect and author remembers a «traumatic experience» decades ago, after replacing a couple's lawn with raised garden beds and helping them cultivate kiwi and pomegranate plants there.
Raised garden beds promote higher yields, easier accessibility and all - round efficiency.
Speaking of gardening, we just planted our first seedlings in some raised gardens beds we added after my last post, so hopefully we will have some veggies to harvest this summer!
There are so many lovely ways to create these raised garden beds, whether it's with wood, metal troughs, stone, bricks... the list goes on.
Whatever shape you design, remember to allow yourself room to reach into the raised garden beds and to move between them.
We will be adding a mow strip, four small raised garden beds, hopefully a bench, a few more bushes and plants, mulch, stepping stones and a small arbor at the entrance!
The side of our yard needs to be landscaped still and we have been putting it off because we wanted to include a couple of small raised garden beds in our landscaping plan over there and we hadn't nailed down the exact layout of it yet.
Raised garden beds take the hassle out of gardening.
We had raised garden beds at Catheys Valley... I love how it kept things in order.

Not exact matches

Lots of the farmers I buy from have a winter CSA, so between that and my VERY modest raised bed garden, we get wonderful fresh, local food year» round.
You see, I am turning my front yard into a vegetable garden this summer, complete with raised beds, trellised vines, and (hopefully) crazy amounts of tasty food.
I decided to grow peppers, tomatoes, and some herbs in a raised bed garden this year.
We've also committed to finally framing in and raising our vegetable garden bed a bit.
«Our raised bed garden is a key teaching tool for Baxter children who learn about plants and gardening from an early age,» said Juan Fernandez, Development Director at Baxter Community Center.
This donation will go towards new supplies to make a more productive garden with raised beds and more crops.
Find out more about how Stephanie built raised beds for her vegetable garden here.
With raised beds that incorporate my vegetable, herbal and medicinal needs, not only do they offer easy maintenance, but a simple beauty, that hearkens to the romance of cottage gardens of fairy - tales and folklore.
The school garden had raised beds and we couldn't believe how well everything grew.
To the right of you, as you walk into the garden, begins the raised beds.
Forty school gardens are located throughout the district including raised beds, greenhouses, orchards, and potted herbs.
The middle school in my neighborhood has a great school garden, with fruit trees, berry bushes, and raised beds growing tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, and basil.
Students tended 20 school gardens, including orchards, greenhouses, and raised beds, that served as learning labs and outdoor classrooms.
Ten schools have school gardens which range from classroom containers to raised beds to greenhouses.
Blue Ridge Elementary School has an active school garden club that maintains their raised beds and grows and prepares their own produce.
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