Sentences with phrase «raised serum cholesterol»

Sweet potato and cassava can modify cholesterol profile in humans with moderately raised serum cholesterol levels.
(See: The Potential Health Benefits Of Makapuno Coconut Byproduct) Previous studies done on coconut flakes and coconut flour have also shown that the dietary fiber of coconut can reduce cholesterol levels (e.g. see: The Cholesterol - Lowering Effect of Coconut Flakes in Humans with Moderately Raised Serum Cholesterol)
And the stearic acid in chocolate, although a saturated fat, is the type that doesn't appear to raise serum cholesterol.
Not only that, but stress can drive up our blood pressure and raise serum cholesterol levels, wreaking havoc on our arteries and increasing our risk of heart attack.
Most animal fat tends to raise serum cholesterol.
Dietary cholesterol does raise serum cholesterol you're just picking the poor studies you want to pick there.
«All fats raise serum cholesterol; Nearly half of total fat comes from vegetable fats and oils; No difference between animal and vegetable fats in effect on CHD (1953); Type of fat makes no difference; Need to reduce margarine and shortening (1956); All fats are comparable; Saturated fats raise and polyunsaturated fats lower serum cholesterol; Hydrogenated vegetable fats are the problem; Animal fats are the problem (1957 - 1959).»
Animal studies indicate animal - based proteins produce a high lysine - low arginine ratio which raises serum cholesterol levels, while Soy's lower lysine - higher arginine ratio significantly lowers blood serum cholesterol [11, 12].
Yes I agree it is interesting that milk contains saturated fat, I don't think that is an excuse for us as adults to think saturated fat is healthy because of this.It has been well established that a diet high in saturated fat raises serum cholesterol.
Low T3, conversely, would tend to raise serum cholesterol but deprive cells of energy.

Not exact matches

I can't recollect where I read that different types of saturated fat have differing effects upon serum cholesterol; I think some of the longer ones like palmitic acid and lauric acid raise cholesterol, while others like stearic acid don't raise cholesterol?
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