Sentences with phrase «raising children alone»

I felt a part - timer as I was really a full time mother raising my children alone.
It began in 1941 primarily as a support service to women left raising children alone due to partners being away with the Second World War.
Santa Monica, CA About Blog CoAbode provides support and services that connect women raising children alone.
A message to single parents... for raising children alone is hard to do.
On the contrary, findings like these help us see just how daunting the challenges faced by mothers raising children alone can be.
My name is Ken, I am a single father raising my children alone and on my own.
Any father who has the experience of raising children alone will appreciate the book, The Ultimate Survival Guide for the Single Father.
imagine if we extended the same the awe and respect for mothers raising their children alone that we do to guys like Johnson.
Let's look at a few of the challenges for you dads who are courageously raising your children alone.
Single mothers likely know the struggle of raising a child alone; there's no need to remind them with a condescending glance or sermon meant to induce shame.
men only fertiilize the egg, we carry it the rest of the time, not to mention when you freaks optout and run leaving us to raise the child alone our whole lives.
Candidate for Deletion is trying to tell Adam A that their love can flourish, that it is beautiful and true, but Adams can't stand the shame of how Hutsons Best views their relationship, and is running away to raise their child alone in the foothills of the Himalayas.
But unlike married women, a single woman faces the arduous process and costs of adoption alone and with the reality that she may end up raising her child alone without a father or a partner.
I have all the respect in the world for the amazing ladies, and guys, who manage to raise children alone.
Many times I «ve read about women who have been left to raise their children alone.
Now, instead of being looked down upon, society has created a haven of resources for parents who face raising their child alone, in an effort to provide them with a better lifestyle and chance of success.
It is a pretty common occurrence that women raise their children alone.
This should make sense because it is exactly the type of image that the site owners want people to have of single parents rather than some outdated stigma attached to raising a child alone with whispers asking why you are without a companion.
Anyone who has to raise a child alone knows it can be hard.
To an outsider, the rule that forbids a widower from raising a child alone feels like a cruel injustice and despite being made by a relative outsider (Weinstein is Jewish but not Orthodox), the film doesn't linger on outrage.
Why was society willing to overlook sexual activity between races (often carried on without the consent of both parties) and leave unwed mothers to raise children alone, but opposed to the idea of solemnizing consensual mixed - race relationships with marriage so both parents could take responsibility for their offspring?
For we seldom choose to raise children alone... but as we look back over the years... we can see how God has blessed us... through all our brokenness and tears.
I am a painter who left painting behind because I had to raise my children alone and I looked for a secure monthly payment as a teacher.
Depending on the circumstances, you may expect to raise the child alone and will need financial assistance or you may anticipate having visitation with your child and needing to pay support.
Among African - Americans aged 25 - 54, there are only 83 free men for every 100 women, which is one reason why so many black mothers raise children alone.
Raising a child alone is a difficult task, and the death benefits of a life insurance policy can help alleviate some of the stress from an already - difficult situation.
Mother voiced the worry of parents who struggle to raise children alone: «I am not a person made out of steel.
With Divorce & Separation comes the stress of getting over a broken relationship, adjusting to a new life without the other partner and having to raise children alone.

Not exact matches

I think she's lived and gone through quite a bit around deployment and being home alone to raise her children, at times when her husband was overseas.
In Canada alone, more than 400,000 people sponsor underprivileged children through World Vision, raising hundreds of millions of dollars for relief efforts.
I fear leaving my children behind, the children I raised alone.
Others are raising handicapped children alone.
But to the young widow with children to raise alone, to the man dying an agonizing and untimely death from cancer, to the person full of life and hope who is incapacitated by multiple sclerosis, or to the child who has to start his or her life with an uncorrectable birth defect, the average isn't what matters.
To me, my great - grandmother, called Granny by everyone I ever heard speak about her, is an icon forged and frozen in the years after her husband Archie left her alone to raise their three children in his country.
Murray comes up with a very useful measure of community dysfunction: the percentage of «problematic people,» which he arrives at by combining prime - age males not making a living, single mothers raising children, a guesstimate of prime - age adults who are living alone, and those uninvolved in any community activity.
Are two gay males who are married to each other a more ominous threat to families than are two straight men who live alone, apart from the women they impregnated who are left alone to raise their children?
«I was mad sometimes because I was all alone, raising three children myself, but the game filled the void.»
Crying alone raises the stress level of a child, yes... but probably not avoidable 100 % of the time.
Honestly, this episode has me questioning the foundation of our relationship, let alone raising a child together.
«Never leave your little one alone: Raising an Ifaluk child,» in A world of babies: Imagined childcare guides for seven societies (J. DeLoache and A. Gottlieb, eds.)
Leave your tween at the kitchen table alone to go apologize profusely to your other children for raising your voice at them when they are mere innocents in this hellish scenario.
Fact is that proper child proofing can actually save you time, reduce stress and make your home environment more conducive to raising children; let alone easier for the parents.
It has been said it takes a village to raise a child, and we must be a village together, so children do not grow up without adult mentors, and so adults who choose to remain single, do not feel alone as they age.
and most today only think it's «normal» when a baby isn't getting what it needs first... SO THAT IT HAS NO OTHER CHOICE BUT TO CRY... and you should read «it takes a village» by clinton... yes parents are people too and yes if you don't take care of yourself first then you can't take care of your baby... just like when you get on an airplane you're instructed to in an emergency put on your oxygen mask first THEN help the child sitting next to you... BUT the only reason it's impossible for most people to keep their baby from crying is because they are trying to raise their babies alone without the help of the «village»... so come down off your high horse and just ask for help... it will not only help you (listed you first because of your obvious selfishness from your post... «we don't stop having needs to sleep and eat and have relations with our peers either») but it will mostly benefit the baby.
In our society we seem to feel that practicing attachment parenting means that the parents alone are raising the child or sometimes even one parent alone (usually the mother) while the other one works long hours, goes off to war, or just runs away.
Providing parents with practical strategies to manage serious behavioral problems improved parental readiness to deal with the daily challenges of raising a child with ASD above and beyond information alone.
I came from Philippines, where it takes a village to raise a child, but when I came here you have to do it alone.
Even if the problem does happen to exist even many decades in the future, then obviously immigration alone will not solve the problem, and you are instead going to have to do stuff like paying people money to breed children and raise the retirement age.
«Go into any inner - city neighborhood, and folks will tell you that government alone can't teach kids to learn.They know that parents have to parent, that children can't achieve unless we raise their expectations and turn off the television sets and eradicate the slander that says a black youth with a book is acting white.»
Concerns about poor social skills among children raised alone stem in part from a paper Downey published in 2004, which asked kindergarten teachers in the US to rate the social skills of children, aged around 5, in their care.
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