Sentences with word «rale»

The constant cough of consumptives, combined with the crackling sound of their lungs straining to breath, known as rales, created a white noise of illness in European and American cities.
Why rale against people who believe that - in whatever faith or lifestyle they may be found?
Snarly with unparalleled situations is inversion clashing and I await we end to be rale thoroughgoing in interaction with naif situations.
Uncommonly, harsh lung sounds may be heard; these are often referred to as dry rales.2
During that stethoscopic exam, your vet might hear lung sounds that indicate excess fluid in the lungs (moist rales) as well as abnormally fast breathing.
Six matches is ridiculous and should the FA impose this you do have to ask who actually enforces the rales in Soho Square given Mourhinio's past behaviour.
Fluid build up in the lungs (your vet may hear «rales» or crackling sounds when listening to her lungs via a stethoscope)
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