Sentences with phrase «ramifications does»

But what ramifications does continued contact with an ex have when one or both individuals find themselves in a new romantic relationship?
Should you lose the bet, what ramifications does that have for AGW theory?
What ramifications does growing industrial fabrication have on the individual and his / her technical knowledge?
How that would happen he did not explain, but it and millions of other such ramifications did in fact eventually transpire.
While anyone's first impulse might be to go ahead and do it, there may be ramifications you didn't think about.
Furthermore, the mental and emotional toll that is endured by you and your family after auto accidents can have ramifications you don't expect.
If the agent broke the rules what ramifications do you expect to help your position?
So question is this a breach of contract and what legal Ramifications do I have from here.

Not exact matches

We were unsure about the ramifications and what would be needed to be done to rectify it.
If we don't, there will be ramifications, a harsh lesson I'm sure many people reading this are well aware of.
It became hard to ignore the ramifications of this list - checking mentality when I found myself transferring tasks I hadn't completed to a new to - do list at the beginning of every month.
They begin with an immediate overhaul of NAFTA, with his ordering the Department of Commerce and the International Trade Commission to form a study on the ramifications of withdrawal from the treaty and what would be required through legislation to do so.
There are legal ramifications for everything you do online, and many people and businesses simply don't understand that.»
While there are no direct legal ramifications for testifying, what it does do is provide more evidence for lawmakers.
Selling investments within your 401 (k) plan does not generate tax liabilities, so you can make these changes without any tax ramifications.
When we do, you're going to see very substantial ramifications, especially if you were invested simply for a frozen set of variables.
Yet many marketers either still don't fully understand what the algorithm update entails or have been naive to the fact that ignoring the update can have major ramifications to how your website is ranked in search results — if you still partake in old, web - spam SEO tactics (aka «black hat SEO tactics»).
While the privacy ramifications of text payments apply to Venmo and Square Cash as much as they do to Google Wallet (a text message suggesting that someone «clicks here for free cash» then asks them to enter their bank details looks a lot like a phishing scam) Google has other issues to face.
On Day 1, Trump would begin reforming NAFTA, including ordering the Commerce Department and International Trade Commission to begin a study on what the ramifications of withdrawing from the treaty would be, and what would be required legislatively to do so.
Roger: I think some of the reflections of the elections around the world have to do with dissatisfaction from people who may have had a lifestyle that existed in the 1970s that no longer exists as a result of a lot of these changes that we are talking about, so I think that's potential ramifications that could stifle.
But it does have ramifications.
Why would we think Mr. Goss did not understand the ramifications of what he did?
Live, because deciding for or against it was obviously relevant and important; forced, because one either accepted Christianity or refused it — there was no getting out of the decision; and momentous, because, on the chance that God does exist, the decision would have eternal ramifications.
At the World Government Summit in Dubai, in February, Musk again cued the scary organ music, evoking the plots of classic horror stories when he noted that «sometimes what will happen is a scientist will get so engrossed in their work that they don't really realize the ramifications of what they're doing
I think that cheating on taxes doesn't have the same ramifications as adultery which harms innocent parties.
The fact that there are ramifications for choosing not to doesn't mean you don't have the ability to make the decision for yourself... free will.
At any rate, I don't want some preacher telling me how to vote or telling me that if I vote for a certain candidate I was in sin (and yes, there are ramifications to this).
Pray for them is all that you can do that they may understand the ramifications of their unrepentive hearts.
You don't have to believe everything he says (I don't), but he is definitely onto something that has some major ramifications.
This Christian humanism has important political and economic ramifications, establishing for Röpke the true foundation of political and economic liberty that modern appeals to mere utility do not provide.
But I certainly do see what the ramifications are for Rothesay Vineyard.
Gottlieb's nonchalance toward this fundamental limitation of Mendelssohn's thought suggests that his own strong sympathy for Mendelssohn has less to do with the foundations of his philosophy than with its practical ramifications.
He could not have known all the ramifications, just as people getting married don't know exactly how it's all going to pan out after the wedding.
Insurance can create the strange psychological illusion that, now that you're covered, you are free to do whatever without the danger of negative ramifications.
How do you witness something like this first hand and not feel compelled to report it to police — regardless of the potential ramifications (i.e. job loss, downfall of Penn Football, etc...).
Verse 12 and following shows that some of the Corinthian believers did not believe in the resurrection and reiterates the deleterious ramifications of this error.
What does matter is the legal ramifications of marriage, not the religious ones.
Now remember, i didn't ask you about her opinions about possible theological ramifications, just her scientific summary.
They already do it in many ways, this is just one that has huge ramifications for their employees.
You STILL have not faced and answered my questions, and it now appears you can't, or don't want to face the ramifications.
I don't believe he understands the ramifications of his attcking the the Pope in such a manner.
My point is... I'm not saying I have all the answers to this problem here, but let's think about what the ramifications might be before we say or do something.
That's fine, and I agree with you to a certain extent here, however it doesn't mean that you shouldn't consider the ramifications of what you say and do.
«The question for those who admit they don't know if God doesn't exist then is clear and has eternal ramifications: what if you are wrong about that?»
We don't know the full narrative that we're in, we don't know the ramifications of what we're asking, and we don't know the countless other factors that are intersecting and being disseminated inside the mind of our Creator.
We do not know how far the ramifications and interaction of this principle may go.
If the pursuit of Nirvana is the ultimate goal then does Hatha Yoga quicken this result, if so what are the physiological, mental, and spiritual ramifications of this pursuit.
Did he have fears about the ramifications of even thinking outside the box?
Or do they fear the ramifications of thinking of what's outside the box?
Therefore, while you can believe some of those facts without living them, those who do so don't really understand the full gospel or it's ramifications for our life.
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