Sentences with phrase «rampant sexism»

The phrase "rampant sexism" means that there is a widespread and unchecked occurrence of unfair treatment or discrimination based on someone's gender. Full definition
Uber — which is the public relations equivalent of the Hindenburg — is currently experiencing an exodus of users following the disclosure of accusations of rampant sexism in its technology team by former staffer Susan Fowler.
Lab culture won't change overnight, but women in science groups could help combat rampant sexism by arming women with tools and spaces to deal with everyday misogyny.
In the past few months, it has been hit with a #DeleteUber social media campaign in reaction to its initial stance on President Trump's immigration ban, charges of rampant sexism from a former employee and a lawsuit from Alphabet - owned Waymo over self - driving car sensor technology.
I also think that — while some may view this argument through a «is the poster being politically correct» lens — the reality (IMO) is that there is still rampant sexism practiced in this country, and until there is less of it I will always view phrases like the above one through that lens.
She's had doors slammed in her face, worked during the crash in the real estate market, experienced rampant sexism and fled from gun - toting homeowners — more than once.
Cuomo said in a statement that «2017 was the year of reckoning — and 2018 will be the year for action against the culture of rampant sexism and misogyny.»
The all - hands meeting of Uber regarding CEO Travis Kalanick and the rampant sexism in the workplace took a hard turn toward the wrong way when board member David Bonderman inappropriately made a sexist joke.
If you don't want to, that's fine... but you don't get to critique someone else hearing it that way, given the rampant sexism that still exists (at least in my opinion).
The state Democratic Party, controlled by Mr. Cuomo, started a campaign on Wednesday to pass Mr. Cuomo's so - called Women's Agenda, quoting the governor as saying «2018 will be the year for action against the culture of rampant sexism and misogyny.»
«2017 was the year of reckoning — and 2018 will be the year for action against the culture of rampant sexism and misogyny,» Gov. Andrew Cuomo said in a statement.
«Passengers» Many have noted «Passengers» is Stockholm syndrome in space, but I'd like to point out that «Passengers» is also a sign that victim blaming and rampant sexism is still a concern in the future.
The rampant sexism is also worthy of note.
Like so many Corman films, it lets the ladies be tough cookies and leaders and slips social commentary (the sweatshops, the union - busting thugs, the corrupt cops and politicians, the rampant sexism and racism) between the crime movie spectacle and sexy interludes.
Alright, I've been dancing around this issue long enough, I think it's time to address the giant, tuberculotic elephant in the room: the rampant sexism and complete disregard for all female characters.
Anna decides to wholeheartedly reject the culpability she's somehow been assigned, and the rampant sexism that comes with it, both in person and online.
Grab your black and orange carpets and travel back to a time of afros, rampant sexism and excessive gunplay.
I've actually left a few developer groups because of the rampant sexism no one was willing to try and keep in check.
The purpose of the movement, according to it's supporters, was that it sought to bring to attention the corruption in video game journalism, but the debate was quickly taken over by by rampant sexism.
Certainly their peer in artistic skill, knowledge, life work and originality, the rampant sexism of the time left Bogat largely unrecognized.
JC: I don't think I realized how radical my program was; I was just so angry at the rampant sexism of the art world that I felt impelled to try and challenge it in some way.
The company had a tough year so far, having to face accusations of rampant sexism and harassment, but also a patent - based lawsuit from Google, which alleges that self - driving technology that Uber is currently employing had been stolen by a former Waymo engineer.
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