Sentences with phrase «ran atmospheric models»

They also ran atmospheric models that used observed global sea surface temperatures, Arctic sea ice conditions and atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations in 2010 to assess whether such factors might have contributed to the heat wave.
Chizek has run an atmospheric model that calculates how fast processes like solar ultraviolet irradiation will destroy methane on Mars.

Not exact matches

So Palumbo and her colleagues ran the model with various plausible atmospheric thicknesses and extra amounts of greenhouse warming.
Falchi and colleagues obtained their light pollution estimates by running the Suomi satellite data through an atmospheric model that calculates skyglow at zenith (directly overhead) in a cloud - free sky.
«In our study we used satellite data for sea ice and sea surface temperatures to run some coordinated hindcast experiments with five different atmospheric models,» Ogawa says.
This diagram shows types, and size distribution in micrometres, of atmospheric particulate matter This animation shows aerosol optical thickness of emitted and transported key tropospheric aerosols from 17 August 2006 to 10 April 2007, from a 10 km resolution GEOS - 5 «nature run» using the GOCART model.
Running atmospheric computer models, British researchers found a connection between climate change and turbulence, and they predict that the average strength of turbulence will increase by 10 to 40 % by 2050.
Running simulations with an Earth System model, the researchers find that if atmospheric CO2 were still at pre-industrial levels, our current warm «interglacial» period would tip over into a new ice age in around 50,000 years» time.
Scientists run general circulations models against these scenarios to project future climate conditions, including atmospheric carbon concentrations.
Many simulations have been run in an attempt to model the complexities of the atmospheric conditions in this situation and most outcomes aren't good.
The climate models as described here won't produce glacial / interglacial cycles if run for a long time, and that is because they treat the atmospheric content of trace IR - absorbing gases (CO2, methane and N2O) as external forcings.
The atmospheric components of climate models were never really designed for the study of TCs, but the fact that they can produce features with TC - like character when run at sufficiently high resolutions, gives us increased confidence in the possibility that climate models can be used to analyze climate change impacts on TCs.
Dynamic climate models (CGCMs) are typically run with prescribed atmospheric composition ot prescribed changes in atmospheric composition, commonly called «scenarios».
2) It appears to me that the GISS - E2 - R are atmospheric / ocean model runs, while the HadISST is purely SST.
This hindcast uses two time - varying inputs: 10 - meter wind vectors from the atmospheric model NAVGEM (Navy Global Environmental Model, Hogan et al. 2014) run at the Fleet Numerical Meteorology and Oceanography Center (FNMOC), and analyses of ice concentrations (also produced at FNMOC) from passive microwave radiometer data (SSM model NAVGEM (Navy Global Environmental Model, Hogan et al. 2014) run at the Fleet Numerical Meteorology and Oceanography Center (FNMOC), and analyses of ice concentrations (also produced at FNMOC) from passive microwave radiometer data (SSM Model, Hogan et al. 2014) run at the Fleet Numerical Meteorology and Oceanography Center (FNMOC), and analyses of ice concentrations (also produced at FNMOC) from passive microwave radiometer data (SSM / I).
Utterly wrong: the computer climate models on which predictions of rapid warming from enhanced atmospheric greenhouse gas concentration cowdungare based «run hot,» simulating two to three times the warming actually observed over relevant periods
Since 1998 ECMWF has been running a coupled forecasting system where the atmospheric component of the Integrated Forecasting System (IFS) communicates with the wave model (WAM) through exchange of the Charnock parameter which determines the roughness of the sea surface (Janssen, 2004).
As shown in Figure 2, the IPCC FAR ran simulations using models with climate sensitivities (the total amount of global surface warming in response to a doubling of atmospheric CO2, including amplifying and dampening feedbacks) correspoding to 1.5 °C (low), 2.5 °C (best), and 4.5 °C (high).
First, the computer climate models on which predictions of rapid warming from enhanced atmospheric greenhouse gas concentration are based «run hot,» simulating two to three times the warming actually observed over relevant periods — during which non-anthropogenic causes probably accounted for some and could have accounted for all the observed warming — and therefore provide no rational basis for predicting future GAT.
To illustrate the implications, Weitzman notes that, when we run the climate models, a normal («thin - tailed») distribution of impacts from a doubling of atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations above pre-industrial levels produces a median temperature change of 3 degrees Celsius with a 15 % probability of a warming above 4.5 degrees Celsius.
Rather than questioning the primary role of the atmospheric CO2, our modelling results allow us to put forward that the atmospheric CO2 is not the whole story and that, owing to the overwhelming effect and interplay between the paleogeography, the water cycle and the seasonal response, the climate system may undergo subtle climatic changes (as the 4 °C global warming simulated here between the Aptian and the Maastrichtian runs).
Due to computational constraints, the equilibrium climate sensitivity in a climate model is usually estimated by running an atmospheric general circulation model coupled to a mixed - layer ocean model, because equilibrium climate sensitivity is largely determined by atmospheric processes.
To test the effect of atmospheric dust, we ran the GISS climate model with observed SSTs for 1932 - 1939, with and without the presence of a dust source over the Great Plains.
These different SAT trends occur despite the fact that both simulations were subject to the identical radiative forcing and were conducted with the same model, highlighting the role of internal atmospheric circulation variability in any single model run.
We also make use of two lengthy control simulations conducted with CESM1 under constant 1850 radiative conditions: a 2200 - year control run using the fully - coupled configuration (hereafter termed the «coupled control run»), and a 2600 - year control run using only the atmospheric model component coupled to the land model component from CESM1 with a specified repeating seasonal cycle of sea surface temperatures (SSTs) and sea ice conditions taken from the long - term climatology of the fully - coupled control run (hereafter termed the «atmospheric control run»).
The Earth's response to changes in atmospheric CO2 is studied using what are known as global climate models (GCMs), which run on supercomputers.
Metzger et al. (NRL Stennis Space Center), 5.0 (3.4 - 6.0), Modeling The Global Ocean Forecast System (GOFS) 3.1 was run in forecast mode without data assimilation, initialized with July 1, 2015 ice / ocean analyses, for ten simulations using National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) Climate Forecast System Reanalysis (CFSR) atmospheric forcing fields from 2005 - 2014.
The Americans — who published their findings on Sunday in Nature Climate Change — ran two different climate models, CAM3.5 and HadCM3L — the one devised by the US National Center for Atmospheric Research and the other by the UK Met Office's Hadley Centre and simulated a doubling of atmospheric CO2 concentrations, temperature - compensating stratospheric solar radiation management (SRM) geoengineering — and compared precipitation changes.
The method is a sea ice - ocean model ensemble run (without and with assimilation of sea - ice / ocean observations); the coupled ice - ocean model NAOSIM has been forced with atmospheric surface data from January 1948 to 7 July 2015.
Therefore, a model run driven with atmospheric data from 2007, which is started from spring ice conditions in 2008 instead of 2007, leads to an even smaller ice extent.
In particular, initial stages of atmospheric model development often take place without coupling to an ocean model, running instead over observed sea surface temperatures (SSTs) and sea ice extent.
Biomass yield difference (percent change) between model runs of constant and changing atmospheric CO2 concentration.
Our lab is actively developing global atmospheric climate models with roughly 50 and 25 km grid spacing (even finer models are being run very experimentally), and there are a number of related efforts around the world.
The Arctic Cap Nowcast Forecast System (ACNFS) was run in forward model mode, without assimilation, initialized with a June 1, 2013 analysis, for eight simulations using archived Navy atmospheric forcing fields from 2005 - 2012.
His model runs had atmospheric water vapor dropping by 90 % after CO2 was removed, but cloud cover increasing by 50 %, resulting in a world that would be a perpetually cloud - covered desert.
The IPCC FAR ran simulations using models with climate sensitivities (the total amount of global surface warming in response to a doubling of atmospheric CO2, including amplifying and dampening feedbacks) of 1.5 °C (low), 2.5 °C (best), and 4.5 °C (high) for doubled CO2 (Figure 1).
NRL - ocn - ice, 5.2 (4.3 - 6.0), Modeling (ice - ocean) The Global Ocean Forecast System (GOFS) 3.1 was run in forecast mode without data assimilation, initialized with June 1, 2016 ice / ocean analyses, for ten simulations using National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) Climate Forecast System Reanalysis (CFSR) atmospheric forcing fields from 2005 - 2014.
That «fingerprint» studies have proclaimed success at matching observed patterns of climate change with those projected by climate models run with anthropogenic atmospheric inputs — yet which omit black carbon — can only be a sign of overfitting.
* be full 3D coupled ocean - atmospheric GCMs, * be documented in the peer reviewed literature, * have performed a multi-century control run (for stability reasons) and * have participated in CMIP2 (Second Coupled Model Intercomparison Project).
Kauker et al., (AWI / OASys); 3.72 (3.30 - 4.14), Modeling Estimated from ensemble coupled sea ice - ocean model runs based on atmospheric reanalyses fields from 1994 - 2013.
First is that the climate models using by the IPCC are running behind the latest science, and secondly, and quite significantly, the climate models used by the IPCC produce too much warming for a given rise in atmospheric carbon dioxide levels.
CAMS has been up and running since the summer of 2015 and combines models and observations to monitor and forecast atmospheric pollution and greenhouse gases.
The ECMWF provides its supercomputer - run Integrated Forecasting System, a world - renowned numerical weather prediction model, as a basis for some Copernicus services, such as atmospheric forecasts and reanalysis data.
Kevin Trenberth says: «Rather, climate models that run with and without the human - induced changes in atmospheric composition demonstrate that human warming has emerged from natural climate variability since about 1970.»
Rather, climate models that run with and without the human - induced changes in atmospheric composition demonstrate that human warming has emerged from natural climate variability since about 1970.
The authors of the study calculated the health effects for current and future levels of this excess diesel NOx by running a global atmospheric chemistry model that simulates the distribution of PM2.5 and O3.
When heavy rainfall probabilities were next investigated in ensembles of two atmospheric general circulation models, run with and without anthropogenically - induced sea surface temperature changes, results were model - dependent.
OMIP addresses these aims in two complementary manners: (A) by providing an experimental protocol for global ocean / sea - ice models run with a prescribed atmospheric forcing, (B) by providing a protocol for ocean diagnostics to be saved as part of CMIP6.
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