Sentences with phrase «random numbers and letters»

Creating Your Unique LinkedIn URL: By default, LinkedIn assigns you a URL with random numbers and letters.
TVs are no longer big, wooden boxes with bulbous screens and wide bezels; instead, head to any online marketplace and you'll find page upon page of razor - thin displays, labeled with seemingly random numbers and letters, boasting technologies you've never even heard of.
Anyone who was into Kojima «s creations would give up a good amount of time and try to figure out what the random numbers and letters meant, as they flashed on the screen every so often.
When they have to communicate with outside parties, they are given an address consisting of five random numbers and letters, and the address is terminated within a few months.
When using cryptocurrencies you have a public key and a private key, both of which appear as strings of random numbers and letters.

Not exact matches

An ideal password is not your home address, your phone number or your wife's birthday, but rather a completely random set of numbers, letters and symbols that hackers won't be able to guess.
With the realization that longer passwords were harder to predict, many systems enforced password rules that made people select a random combination of special characters, letters and numbers.
Passwords composed of random strings of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and punctuation, such as J, can usually withstand an attack, but those are tough to remember.
Add in complicated backups like long pass phrases, lengthy strings of random letters and numbers, and you've got serious usability challenges.
Bitcoin addresses themselves, which look like strings of random letters and numbers, do not in - and - of - themselves identify the real - world parties to a transaction.
This may seem challenging as public addresses are entirely random combinations of numbers and letters.
The other account had a «hard» password — random 10 - character strings of numbers and letters, both in lower and upper case, without special characters.
Such a name may seem like a random jumble of numbers and letters, but like all galactic epithets it has a distinct meaning.
While researching clarity you may have come across some random letters and numbers, such as IF, VS1, SI2, etc..
Nothing about a random string of numbers and letters, like «DR42785», communicates that you have brains and creativity to spare.
Outrageous car chases, giant explosions and random epic shootouts fill the screen as Lucy expands her mind, begins to bend reality around her and transcends the limits of numbers and letters.
From adding numbers and characters to capitalizing random letters and adding symbols, take steps to ensure your password isn't one that hackers can easily guess.
There are also a few pictures of random animals and number sequences on the teaser site which, if you match them with letters of the alphabet, spell «free klose,» whatever that means.
The left half of the screen will display normally, but the right half will become littered with random letters and numbers.
What makes it a Nice Buy rather than a Must Buy is the looming Project Scorpio upgrade that will be here next year, complete with 4K, and HDR, and VR and almost certainly with some other random combination of letters and numbers that mean something.
Creating a long, unique, complex (letters in upper and lower case, numbers and symbols) and random password for every service you use is the best practice standard when it comes to using secure and strong passwords.
Creating a long, unique, complex (letters in upper and lower case, numbers and symbols) and random password for every service you use is the best practice standard when it comes to using secure and strong passwords.MP900390550 If you follow this advice however, your passwords will be an unreadable mix of letters, numbers and characters...
I generated a random 20 - character password with upper and lowercase letters, numbers, and punctuation, and locked a Word file with it.
Add in complicated backups like long pass phrases, lengthy strings of random letters and numbers, and you've got serious usability challenges.
An ideal password is a random combination of different types of characters, including upper and lower case letters, numbers, and symbols.
The trouble is, most people don't actually use a strong password because it's way too hard to memorize a string of random letters, numbers, and special characters for every account you have.
This address, composed of the word «queue» followed by a long string or random letters and numbers and the «» domain, is the unique email address for your Watch Later queue.
This will generate a series of random letters and numbers.
This option is cleaner than a URL string of random letters and numbers, and URLs can be customized to include your first and last name.
A default URL looks not so appealing - it is a random combination of your name, letters and numbers.
We experimented with what I wanted to paint on the board, random numbers and / or letters, but nothing clicked.
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z