Sentences with phrase «random shots»

There is no confidence in this outing, only random shooting in the hopes that they will hit something.
The seemingly random shots have a divine order to them.
But one random shot of the Infinity Gauntlet included in the video might tell us a whole lot about what goes down in Infinity War.
Patience and precision are the tools that a professional trader employs each time they interact with the market, in comparison, gambling traders take random shots in the dark with a very limited supply of ammo; they do this because it makes them feel good, and it gives them their trading «fix».
In other words, don't take random shots at a dart board.
The simplest site on this list, Picography is a scroll - through gallery of random shots offered by a handful of professional photographers.
Submitting a bracket in the first place will give you the same random shot as everyone else.)
not to mention, a lot of «science» starts with «intuition» or pure guesses — even random shots in the dark to see if you hit something.
VanBlarcum and his supporters described the «call to arms» as a common - sense measure to enhance public safety and perhaps prevent random shooting attacks.
The problem with Quake 4 is that, for the most part, the single player mode suffers from the same simplicity as «Doom 3» - random shooting through a maze of «appeasing - at - first, but - boring - after - the - 100th - time» environments.
Kit (Martin Sheen), a garbage collector with James Dean poise, sweeps impressionable Holly (Sissy Spacek) off her feet, kills her father, and takes her on the lam across country, trailing random shootings in their wake.
Adapting Jules Feiffer's Obie - winning play for the screen, director Alan Arkin (yes, that Alan Arkin) steers Elliott Gould through a metropolis where random shootings are the norm and there's a heavy breather on the end of every phone line.
Sanchez and Ronaldo take random shots at goal almost every game.
We took random shots to see the beauty of the camera - centric Zenfone.
Having YouTube choose that random shot of your silly duck face isn't always the greatest image for your audience to see, especially if you're using YouTube for some serious business purposes.
Nancy was disgusted, too; she took out her duly registered.22 caliber pistol and fired a random shot into the bedroom to scare John.
The post I was hashing out, the several stories I'd been revising, the ideas that were just paragraphs of drivel waiting for something more, the photos - thousands and thousands of photos from the last ten years, my entire iPhoto library, our trip to the Grand Canyon, my mom's wedding, our vacation to Guatemala and Costa Rica, the random shots that didn't make it to Instagram, the pictures of flowers and autumn leaves and Jammer and us and nothing and everything.
Actually it may have been better to use a pic of the official state tree, flower, dog or cat rather than some random shot that someone decided to take out of their personal collection and see it spashed all over at the cost of the state.
More recently, after the random shooting death of one of his aides in September and a mass shooting at an Oregon community college, Cuomo called on Congress to pass a federal gun control law and urged the presidential candidates to make the issue a priority during the 2016 campaign.
Love love love all of your random shots Janet... so pretty!
I threw one on for a random shoot, and then I started wearing them when I went down the shore.
Viola Davis and Jennifer Lopez become accidental vigilantes on the streets of Atlanta after their children are killed in random shootings and the cops don't seem to take much notice.
One particularly huge event about two thirds of the way through the film was heralded by three random shots that apparently cover hours and hours of action we never see.
Powerful film reminds us that every victim of a random shooting was, first and foremost, a person just living his or her life
Scene after scene between Anakin and Padmé fails, and every now and again Lucas gives us a random shot of the latter crying, possibly in the hopes that we get the point.
Like Ridley Scott's Black Hawk Down (based, unlike this, on real events), Tears of the Sun opens with documentary footage of random shootings and maimed bodies to validate its (in this case) spurious reality.
A Florida community was dismayed after a rash of street shootings a few months ago, and after a 3 - year - old boy died in a random shooting, local teens decided they needed to help put an end to senseless killings.
This is a suspenseful story about homecomings, loss and second chances, as David moves back to Detroit to care for his parents only to discover that his high school girlfriend, Natalie, has been killed in a random shooting with her half brother, Dirk.
One of his men was killed by a random shot fired from within the cottage and O'Brien led his men away.
I'm willing to give a random shot in the dark and say that the pose for Wonder Pink was changed to remove any bondage references in their game.
The Golden Axe port that looks just like the arcade or some random shoot - em - up?»
Lucky then that I was hiding out in a garage where there just happened to be an RPG and with a random shot, the plane was down, crashing into the town and wiping out most of my foes.
Cons: - No logical control over your missiles means a lot of random shooting - One music track literally hurt my ears - Beautiful graphics mix with gameplay making it difficult to keep track
Considering Steve's past history with him (below) this isn't a random shot in the dark you portray it to be.
I frequently use Whatsapp, Facebook, Instagram and the occasionally browse with Chrome, with the random shot here and there.
In lower light, the slow - ish lens and lack of OIS were apparent — if I steadied my hand and took a few different shots I'd usually get one that was perfect and crisp, but any random shot when I pulled the phone out and didn't have physical stabilization it'd be more of a mixed bag.
It is the latter, including the robberies, the assaults and, in frighteningly increasing numbers, the incidents of random shootings, that can take us most by surprise.
I love the random shots of Noddle.
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