Sentences with phrase «range of other factors»

The relationship between reaction time in adolescence and mental health in adulthood was assessed, with adjustment for a wide range of other factors (education, lifestyle habits, etc).
There are a whole range of other factors that may affect pregnancy rates, including unemployment, poverty, family stability and so on.
Prices of commodities are influenced besides general market movements by a wide range of other factors and, thus, are generally considered as being rather volatile and high - risk.
However, we simply do not know if long term kibble feeding compares well with raw feeding when measured against a whole range of other factors such as longevity, fertility, disease, etc..
Research indicates that children whose fathers are a consistent, positive force in their lives do better socially, intellectually, and on a broad range of other factors ranging from economic status in childhood to peer relationships in adolescence, to productivity as adults.
When taking a wide range of other factors into account, those who have a university degree and who score highly on a quiz tapping scientific knowledge are less likely to think that astrology is scientific.
Over shorter horizons, market internals, and the investor risk - preferences they convey, are the hinge that determines how stocks are likely to respond to a broad range of other factors, including valuations, interest rates, Fed action, and economic activity.
The difference remained significant even after accounting for a wide range of other factors, including meeting criteria for Gulf War illness, the presence of an Alzheimer's disease risk gene (ApoE4), brain injury, or depression.
Consider the issues above and a range of other factors before deciding whether or not to buy any EMC2.
Considering these and a range of other factors will help you make an informed decision about whether you should buy or mine RVN.
A growing body of evidence from NBO research worldwide suggests that large scale implementation could have a significant impact on postpartum depression, parenting stress, and a range of other factors that have potential to derail healthy development.
But a Public Health England spokesperson told New Scientist that a range of other factors could have caused the fall in new HIV diagnoses.
«The key aspect of our study which gives us considerable confidence in our findings is that we were able to show that river flows and waterbird numbers were closely related, despite a range of other factors we examined, including the effect of duck hunting,» says study co-author and UNSW research fellow Dr Gilad Bino.
While body type, diet, and a range of other factors will dictate what an individual looks like, there are a number of key competencies that athletes who train with sandbags exhibit
eLearning may lack all of these physical attributes, but there are a wide range of other factors to consider when creating the perfect eLearning conditions.
This sounds fairly straight forward, but the students soon realise that there are a range of other factors which impact on their robots, such as the fact that the motors, being man made, tend to not operate at exactly the same speed causing robots to go of course.
Adjusting the data for a range of other factors, such as neighborhood characteristics, family size, whether the mother works, whether English is spoken at home, and participation in preschool, does not appreciably change the results.
Instead, each month, the credit issuer will decide what your limit is based on your payment history, credit score, and a range of other factors.
It represents how much debt you have, how well you've done at making on - time payments, how long you've been using credit and a range of other factors.
Its reliance on mining for resources, for instance, has made Africa and its people vulnerable to low - wage labour abuse as well as a range of other factors beyond their control, as dictated by international economic markets.
Its main message — largely missing from news reports and blogs alike — is that carbon emissions interact with a wide range of other factors, from volcanic activity to El Niño weather patterns, in determining the trajectory of global temperatures.
A growing body of peer - reviewed scientific studies show that people near mountaintop removal mining are twice as likely to get diagnosed with cancer than people elsewhere in the country, and rates of birth defects near mountaintop removal mining are 42 percent higher than in areas without mountaintop removal mining, after controlling for a range of other factors.
As mentioned at the start of this post, the range of other factors that must be considered before arriving at a determination of the reasonable amount of notice available to any particular employee is simply too great to cover in one post.
Each month a premium is paid for a life insurance policy, the amount of which depends on the face value of the policy as well as a range of other factors such as the business owners age, whether they smoke, preexisting conditions, and several other criteria.
Consider the issues above and a range of other factors before deciding whether or not to buy any EMC2.
By considering these and a range of other factors, you'll be able to make an informed decision about whether or not you should buy ETHOS.
By carefully considering the above and a range of other factors, you can form a clearer picture about whether you should buy NXS.
While factors such as income, employment and housing will determine Aboriginal health outcomes, so too will a range of other factors including a person's connection to their country, culture, community and family.
Age is generally not a barrier if you are committed to being a foster carer, it depends on a whole range of other factors.
Instead we saw a range of other factors being associated with child outcomes, including gender, family size and mothers» ethnicity and health.
These effects held even after controlling for a wide range of other factors — how long the couples had been together, whether they had kids, whether they left for work together, and the difference in each partner's commute times.
As well as proximity and number of grandparents, a range of other factors affected whether or not children had contact with all of their grandparents.
However, it must be noted that individual situations may vary widely from the statistical average due to the «micro» nature of the various market segments in Whistler, as well as a range of other factors including building age, location, zoning, etc..
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