Sentences with phrase «range of perspectives»

We have defined this equity band to span a wide range of perspectives on fairness, but of course more work remains to be done on this front.
Evolution can be an emotionally charged topic in education, given a wide range of perspectives on it.
The broad range of perspectives presented above are an excellent representation of the types of discussions that happen «above the fray» of real teaching and learning.
This has limited the ability of the study to consider the full range of perspectives in the analysis.
Our global charitable initiatives and campaigns aim to raise awareness and promote understanding of the diverse range of perspectives across the firm.
The goal is to bring together the full range of perspectives on climate engineering questions, and to bring a host of new voices to the conversation.
Here is an opportunity to ask questions and hear from a dynamic range of perspectives as these four reveal insights behind the narrative components in their work.
Their presentations are two high points in an engaging range of perspectives from many parts of the industry.
In your career, reading a wide range of topics will give you a wide range of perspective on the way people think and strategies you can use for your advancement.
It encourages a broad range of perspectives and approaches within an interdisciplinary framework encompassing both local and global contexts.
Success and progress is built by having and appreciating a truly diverse range of perspectives.
Additionally, the panelists offered a full range of perspectives, including that of in - house counsel, management lawyers, and employee - side counsel.
Over time, our community will identify which sources provide a complete range of perspectives so that content will naturally surface more.
Over time, our community will identify which sources provide a complete range of perspectives so that content will naturally surface more.»
MacDowell defines excellence in a pluralistic and inclusive way, encouraging applications from artists representing the widest possible range of perspectives and demographics.
One difference is that the Technorati links pointed to a more international range of perspectives (though usually in English).
And he's already fast becoming one of the most controversial, which is great, because the whole point of recruiting 30 Experimental Daters for the second phase of the 30 Dates blog was to recruit new voices to the team, and to begin to see dating from a whole range of perspectives!
Orison Books is a non-profit literary press focused on the life of the spirit from a broad and inclusive range of perspectives.
We are thrilled to continue to offer our member galleries a chance to extend their programs beyond the gallery walls and to engage the public with the incredible range of perspectives they represent.»
Access All Areas..., will bring together ten leading international educators, writers and curators who together will present a vast range of perspectives on accessing contemporary art and artists.
This e-book includes a broad range of perspectives from experienced teachers and educators and features reporting and commentaries from Education Week handpicked by our editors.
For «NarGIFsus» Carla Gannis and Tina Sauerländer invited 60 + international artists to present animated GIF «Selfie - Self Portraits» that provide a broad range of perspectives on contemporary selfie culture and self - display
While the impulse to make images of flowers and trees runs deep through the photographic tradition, this exhibition of more than 20 works highlights a diverse range of perspectives on nature across more than 150 years.
As a school leader, I'm very aware of having to support teachers who have the full range of perspectives on change and «modernisation.»
A more effective approach is to show a range of perspectives, let people see where their views are on a spectrum and come to a conclusion on what they think is right.
What I particularly love about this book is that it contains a wide range of perspectives — anthropologists, marketers, designers, psychologist, CEOs of large companies, and more.
Each week, In Theory takes on a big idea in the news and explores it from a range of perspectives.
I also agree with many people from a range of perspectives.
I asked some of my favorite people — from a wide range of perspectives and areas of interest — about their go - to books on gender and sexuality, and here's how they responded:
They held a range of perspectives on Submission, some rather curious.
The secondary freedom in the study of economics consists in the deployment of a variety of models of man and society, in order to gain a wider range of perspectives on the complex events of economic life and to experiment in imagination with new and possibly better ways of directing economic planning.
«The production team went to great lengths to ensure «Abortion on Trial» was fair and impartial, using expert consultants (both anti-abortion and pro-choice), including contributors representing a wide range of perspectives and experiences.»
I'd like to think that I do my best to hear people out, to read a wide - range of perspectives, and resist the urge to wallow in self - congratulations.
The range of perspectives on faith - based programs can be classified not only in terms of race or ethnicity, but also with respect to people's various agendas.
Amy Johnson Frykholm analyses the literature from a broad range of perspectives — literary, critical, historical, sociological, feminist and theological.
The essays, all themed as «two - minute» readings, vary in topic and focus, representing the range of talent as well as the range of perspectives of these 10 writers.
One of the positive effects of the ongoing swimsuit debate is the range of perspectives it brings forward.
We are committed to offering a wide range of perspectives and opinions in the newsletter, forums, and through our resources.
In the past I've attended conferences geared solely toward policy advocates, but what was so notable about «Healthy Food Fuels Hungry Minds» was the wide range of perspectives it offered.
Hearing a wide range of perspectives and experiences can help you determine what you'd like to do.
«By so doing, we want to ensure that the public are provided with information, and a wide range of perspectives and voices enhanced, so as to entrench sustainable democracy and good governance», Gov. Ganduje added.
The LGBT Memorial Commission, which included Christine Quinn, an out lesbian and former speaker of the City Council, and Eunic Ortiz, then the president of the Stonewall Democratic Club of New York City, an LGBTQ political club, had to include «individuals with a range of perspectives, interests, and specific knowledge concerning the LGBT community.»
We are a plural society with citizens with a range of perspectives and a largely non-religious society.
The idea being that dialogue — from a wide range of perspectives — is preferable to silence.
Each week, In Theory takes on a big idea in the news and explores it from a range of perspectives.

Phrases with «range of perspectives»

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