Sentences with phrase «range of possible outcomes»

Computer models still have a wide range of possible outcomes for next fall, though, so stay tuned!
To be sure, compensation committee members base their decisions on the beliefs and desires of others, and that leaves a wide range of possible outcomes.
We believe this long - term, value - driven methodology may generate positive risk - adjusted returns through a broad range of possible outcomes for the markets.
Not only did the average outcome improve, but there was little - to - no additional downside risk from the lower range of possible outcomes.
There is a broad range of possible outcomes that are compatible with the description of this scenario.
The Earth faces a broad range of possible outcomes with climate change.
By removing these anthropogenic patterns from the observed 2012/2013 SSTs, we expect to obtain a plausible range of possible outcomes given that there are substantial variations in these patterns across the models.
When you purchase individual stocks you can avoid the Netflix of the world and concentrate on blue chip stocks with narrow ranges of possible outcomes.
«When you include evolution, the classic prey - predator dynamics have a much greater range of possible outcomes.
... By «directionality» in this sense - as a scientifically accessible or discernible movement - I do not mean one with a single unique, or even definite, goal, but simply one whichproceeds towards a definite range of possible outcomes - which become more focused and delimited as evolution continues.
The subjective aim, or feeling of a relevant range of possible outcomes, 18 is conditioned by all the members of the multiplicity prehended.
He's got to have widest range of possible outcomes out of the draftees right?
But existing models of water flows don't provide the full range of possible outcomes: «A 50 - year rain can produce a 100 - year flood if it falls on a watershed that's already soaked or on snowpack or if it coincides with a storm surge.»
That said, we had some good opportunities to modify our hedges in recent weeks to allow for a broader range of possible outcomes.
First, economic uncertainty has risen as U.S. stimulus and trade policy actions have broadened the range of possible outcomes compared with 2017.
A mathematician or logistician will tell you that when the range of possible outcomes is defined and limited for all time (you can not score more than 114 pt or less than zero) then there can be no such thing as continuous improvement.
As the name suggests, punters wager on a range of possible outcomes.
Seriously, though, those «real» costs have to be weighed up - front, but the problem is that's just where you've got imperfect information and the range of possible outcomes is at its widest.
There are many different forms, and the rise of Ukip and the Scottish National Party, and the decline of the Liberal Democrats, have sharply increased the range of possible outcomes.
And the new study makes explicit the potential uncertainty for each policy, showing a range of possible outcomes rather than a single number.
This conclusion has profound significance: it means that predicting future innovations is fundamentally incalculable, even on the basis of probability because no probability distribution can be assessed without knowing the range of possible outcomes.
To evaluate the range of possible outcomes, ecologists John Williams of the University of Wisconsin — Madison, and Stephen Jackson of the University of Wyoming, along with U.W. Madison climatologist John Kutzbach compared global climate projections published last month by the fourth IPCC with current regional climates, looking specifically at average summer and winter temperatures and precipitation.
The difference in outcomes gives scientists an indication of the uncertainty in any given prediction, of the range of possible outcomes.
Back to Shatzkin: Although the WSJ article and Michael Cader's follow up in Publishers Lunch make no «agency is dead» declaration and there are quotes from publishers and others indicating that there are a range of possible outcomes, including a version of agency that is modified to allow some discounting, everybody in the industry now has to contemplate what it would mean if the agency model is legally upended.
To address this uncertainty, you should create several portfolio options, with various sets of assumptions, to evaluate a wide range of possible outcomes.
Instead, you're dealing with a range of possible outcomes and what's more likely to happen.
Diversification narrows the range of possible outcomes.
Instead, Marks proposes a modification to the traditional risk - return relationship where larger amounts of risk create a wider range of possible outcomes.
Adopt a goal of requiring, or persuading, fossil fuel companies to disclose in their 10Ks and other filings the amount of carbon held for ultimate release on the asset side of their balance sheets, and the range of possible outcomes to their business if some of those assets are stranded.
The objective is quantify the range of possible outcomes (and likelihoods) of such variations which come on top of the long - term changes caused by greenhouse gas forcings.
But while plenty of other climate scientists hold firm to the idea that the full range of possible outcomes, including a disruptively dangerous warming of more than 4.5 degrees C. (8 degrees F.), remain in play, it's getting harder to see why the high - end projections are given much weight.
We acknowledge that global warming can produce a wide range of possible outcomes — ranging from modest to catastrophic — but we believe that any reasonable risk management exercise points toward immediate decarbonization as the optimal response.
The same exercise incorporating a fat - tailed distribution (that is, with the range of possible outcomes on the high side that marches slowly to zero) finds that the probability of temperatures rising more than 8 degrees Celsius is nearly ten times greater.
Weitzman pointed out that, when we consider the full range of possible outcomes from climate change, the outlying possibilities on the high - cost side of the range of possible outcomes do not go quickly to zero, which implies far greater risks — and a far greater likelihood of damages — than conventional analyses would suggest.
They are not trying to accurately predict the future, but rather provide a range of possible outcomes based on the uncertainty of human actions.
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