Sentences with phrase «range of scales»

Having all these different instrument types is essential for examining the brain at a wide range of scales, but there's a catch.
The y axis should represent the full range of scale score points from 0 to 500 for reading and math.
I use the full range of the scale, so a 6 out of 10 is certainly worthwhile.
We provide sales and service for a broad range of scales and weighing equipment with a focus on customer satisfaction.
Does 100 points at one range of the scale really represent less learning than 150 points at another point on the scale?
So any theory of climate must build upon a theory of atmospheric turbulence across a vast range of scales.
The enormous range of scales (stars, the building blocks of galaxies, are each about one trillion times smaller in mass than the galaxy they make up), as well as the complex physics involved, presents a formidable challenge for any computer model.
(2) A complete numerical simulation of the motions taking place in the outer core would make it necessary to cover a wide range of scales with a very small time step, which is out of reach with current capabilities.
Pregnant women and many men need to consume the higher range of this scale.
The installation, which runs until 29 September, explores different ranges of scale, playing with our visual perception of glass doorways as grand arches and small steps as giant pediments.
Albrecht Dürer (1471 — 1528) is widely considered the preeminent artist of the Northern Renaissance who revolutionized the art of woodcut to achieve extraordinary ranges of scale, light and form and whose etchings are unprecedented in craftsmanship and suppleness of technique, creating powerful images.
A comparison of the two examples owned by the Tate - one under a foot high and the other life size - serves to emphasise the wide range of scale covered by this body of work.
In the following Figure, from her entertaining TEDxManchester talk The fascinating physics of everyday life, she shows how the physics of the every day applies over a huge range of scales (in time and space); bracketed between the exotic worlds of the extremely small (quantum mechanics) and extremely large (general relativity) which tend to dominate our cultural perceptions of physics today.
Finally, as the assessment of child behaviors was done by the parents themselves and did not imply any clinical assessment of the severity of child symptoms, we should consider that an increase in externalizing symptoms was not necessarily negative, especially since both mothers and fathers rarely rated the symptoms in the upper range of the scale.
The analysis correlates all PIRA marks to the full range of scaled scores from 85 to 115 at KS1 and 80 to 120 at KS2.
Due to a wide range of scales in brain architecture such reconstruction requires imaging that is both high - resolution and high - throughput.
Furthermore, we characterize this variability over the widest possible range of scales that the available information allows, and we try to connect the deterministic Milankovitch cycles with the Hurst — Kolmogorov (HK) stochastic dynamics.
Each had a range of scale scores from one to seven, which means the composite index used here ranges from four to twenty - eight.
On a wide range of scales — from rainwater in coffee pots to tinkering with whole supply chains — the example of the Bullitt Center, she says, demonstrates «new out - of - the - box creative solutions» that adapt to the building's local environment.
Fractals are sets of complex geometric shapes that look the same over a wide range of scales.
Much of this uncertainty is due to the complexity of aerosols and their interactions with and impacts on cloud processes and properties, as well as the wide range of scales on which these interactions occur.
The USArray component of EarthScope is a continental - scale seismic and magnetotelluric observatory designed to provide a foundation for integrated studies of continental lithosphere and deep Earth structure over a wide range of scales.
A range of model systems, from yeast to human, and cutting edge technologies, is needed to decipher the complex molecular mechanisms at play over a range of scales.
Natural systems are comprised of complex processes occurring over a range of scales, from the intricate composition of individual living cells to the dynamic interactions of the global ecosystem.
But as the average was edging upward, the range of the scale narrowed sharply, so much so that able young women were bound to take notice.
This page explores the water, food and energy nexus in regard to national resource security and different perspectives at a range of scales.
The tables below show the range of scaled scores for each achievement level for mathematics and English language arts / literacy:
As demonstrated in the cheekily titled I Always Lie, Sprecher's third solo exhibition at Jeff Bailey Gallery in New York, he is equally gifted in color combinations and media application, in a range of scales and often within the same painting.
Also in this first area of the gallery are paintings by Gabriella Boyd, who explores abstraction alongside figuration in a range of scales.
Impressively, this homogeneity of design is balanced by a bold experimentation with all other aspects of painting, using a variety of material supports and employing a wide range of scales.
In these works, Dubuffet carefully uses a range of scales to create spatial illusion.
Gokita continues his monochromatic series that explores the traditional portrait format on a range of scales, using source material from vintage postcards, magazines, found photos, and classic film stills.
This installation view of the Larry Gagosian Gallery exhibition Rauschenberg: The White and Black Paintings 1949 — 1952 (April 18 — May 31, 1986) shows the range of scales and surface textures that Rauschenberg explored in his Black paintings.
A largely conceptual artist working in a range of scale, her work invites viewers to explore questions about their own history and examine themes of memory, belonging, dislocation and impermanence.
Combining a variety of mark - making and collage techniques, Lyddon's pencil drawings, detailed etchings, human size sculptures, and expansive canvases result in a range of scales within the exhibition.
The SCAD Museum of Art presents «Built, World,» a group exhibition featuring works by leading international artists investigating architecture and constructed realities with a variety of media across a range of scale.
Looking beyond traditional notions of what is unique and mass - produced, it aims to show a range of scales, sizes, mediums, and techniques; the possibilities of repetition affecting change (e.g. transformation, variations, new results); and the subtlety of repetition that can produce something that appears to be the same.
Join us for a reception celebrating «Built, World,» a group exhibition featuring works by leading international artists who investigate architecture and constructed realities with a variety of media across a range of scale.

Phrases with «range of scales»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z