Sentences with phrase «ranging effects of the drought»

March 2, 2014 • Northern Nevada is feeling the wide - ranging effects of the drought.

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It is clear that the 1C temperature rise over pre-industrial levels that we have seen so far has triggered a whole range of effects including widespread melting of mountain glaciers, significant sea level rise, devastating droughts, and flooding in various parts of the world.
The vicious confluence of weather anomalies in recent years — and, even just this year we've seen a rash of devastating floods, tornadoes and droughts — suggest that shifting climate patterns are having adverse and wide - ranging effects on our ecosystem.
The effects could be nuanced, with more rainfall north of the main alpine crest but a tendency toward drought on the southern face of the range.
Oswald's rains had little effect west of the Great Dividing Range, and areas more than 300 kilometres inland in Queensland suffered from drought for most of the year.
Health effects from increased frequency and severity of heat waves, exposure of low - lying coastal areas to severe storms and sea level rise, increased frequency and severity of drought, river flooding, wildfires, and so forth — a wide range of impacts that can have a range of implications for human health and for disruption of our society.
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