Sentences with word «rapacious»

The private programs that existed prior to the financial crisis were, indeed, modeled after the HECM program, including numerous safeguards to protect seniors from rapacious lenders.
Following on a theme of rapacious data harvesting in the spirit of the seminal John Perkins book «Confessions of an Economic Hit Man» (if you haven't ever read it, get it and read it), «The Dark Side Of Data» was written by somebody who was «uncomfortably close» to the underworld data brokers and scrapers.
Speaking days before an election most observers thought him sure to win, a long - serving Eurasian strongman railed against human rights, malevolent western powers, and rapacious «international speculators.»
They are businesses, they operate in an increasingly rapacious environment, and their compensation and promotion systems don't reward the development of younger talent.
Companies should call Howard when fighting against a company that never settles, or when you need to show rapacious plaintiffs» lawyers that your company never settles.
Corrupt financiers who defrauded small businesses of millions were described by the sentencing judge in court this week as «utterly corrupt... rapacious, greedy people».
Speaking in R v Mills at Southwark Crown Court on 2 February, Judge Beddoe said the case «primarily involves an utterly corrupt senior bank manager letting rapacious, greedy people get their hands on a vast amount of HBoS's money and their tentacles into the businesses of ordinary decent people... and letting them rip apart those businesses, without a thought for the lives and livelihoods of those whom their actions affected, in order to satisfy their voracious desire for money and the trappings and show of wealth.»
Perhaps those sisters and brothers are just the unfortunate casualties in the CCPA's bigger war: smearing Big Oil as rapacious industrialists right out of a Charles Dickens novel.
Yes, worse than hugely increasing the number of small firm solicitors would be to allow the decimation of them by the proven and consistent predatory practices of a handful of giant corporations who, having gotten rid of the multi-thousands of lawyer competitors, would then have the public at their rapacious mercy.
As headline - grabbing reports of jury verdicts proliferate, successful businesspeople often worry that they could lose everything to a rapacious plaintiff's lawyer.
Adding a whole new level of rapacious profit takers to the legal market is not calculated to reduce the cost of legal services.
This should remind us that it is not only the libraries and their users who suffer when publishers become more rapacious.
As long as we limit ourselves to a carbon footprint smaller than that of the little rapacious hypocrite and to one fewer of the fashion models to exploit at any one time, we are doing our part to save the planet from whatever.
To continue fighting a war that was won twenty years ago only distracts people from seeing where the real evil is growing in our society, such as the rapacious growth in power of multi-national corporations, or the undermining of democracy by elite fundamentalism.
Rationality, science, facts... are all under attack because they increasingly and inevitably, question and scrutinize the fundamental structures of «marketed democracy» and the rapacious economic dogmas that underly the entire system.
Let's call this rapacious and ignorant forest liquidation, not land use changes or logging practices.
The most serious threat to the longevity of these species is our rapacious agricultural appetite.
By federal government fiat, by a terrorist's bomb, by rapacious, polluting corporate interests.
There's not really room on TreeHugger to go into all the nuances of why these different visions of economic planning have failed to protect Mother Earth from her rapacious creation known as homo sapiens doing its darndest to commit matricide, but the quick version is this: There has been no major economic system to date that has properly valued the environment, incorporating the true and full costs of depleting natural resources into the price paid for those resources.
Being willfully ignorant of oil's physical limits, they'll try to blame scarcity on «lack of drilling,» even if rapacious EPA - haters are still in the White House.
The Minimalism doc does wonderful job of looking at the human impact of our rapacious treatment of the planet and how it just doesn't work on virtually any front.
[1], [2] This unprecedented move follows a decade of rapacious logging by Chinese logging companies in Burma's northern forests.
Sheer numbers and the rapacious consumption of resources, he predicted glumly, would condemn the human species to the same fate as the smallpox virus.
«The corporate quest for scarce resources will become more rapacious, more violent.
In the statement, the authors accept that «centuries of rapacious exploitation of the planet have caught up with us» and state clearly that a radical change in our relationship to the planet is necessary for survival.
On a whole range of environmental and trade issues the US government has proven more willing to oppress American business than confront the rapacious practices of European and Asian nations.
All commercial fishing is rapacious but this goes beyond that.
The Red Chinese make our rapacious extractives look sunshine fresh.
Third, most of our top rank experts and the people in many places, the ones who refer to each other as «the brightest and the best» -LCB- and point to each other as the «smartest guy in the room» -RCB-, appear not to rejected adequate ways of communicating to the family of humanity about what people somehow need to hear, see and understand: the rapacious dissipation of Earth's limited resources, the relentless degradation of the planet's environment, and the approaching destruction of the Earth as a fit place for human habitation by the human species, when taken together, appear to be proceeding at breakneck speed toward the precipitation of a catastrophic ecological wreckage of some sort unless, of course, the world's colossal, ever expanding, artificially designed, manmade global political economy continues to speed headlong toward the monolithic «wall» called «unsustainability» at which point the runaway economy crashes before Earth's ecology is collapsed.
The Storm, for example, conveys the frightful moments just before the rapacious sea claims its maritime victims.
As if acting as the underbelly to the rapacious actuality in EAPR # 34, the vignette captured in EAPR # 35 exposes the ensuing trauma that occurs in the wings as we strive to fulfill our socially performative roles — most of which remain immutably out of reach.
«Rapacious» is defined as inordinately greedy, ravenous, and predatory.
However beautiful they are, these images are cautionary, revealing the rapacious growth that can transform the landscape into something resembling a hectic circuit board.
Salvador Dalí, born 100 years ago in May, has been dismissed as a rapacious self - publicist and purveyor of kitsch.
Dotson allows us a glimpse at The Beast's rapacious grimace, cast in the shadow from the glow of the lush labial folds of the rose as it hovers just beyond the fragile glass he clutches, it's juicy segments begging to be touched.
But the past few years have seen the emergence of a batch of exciting young figurative painters who, though their concerns are varied, share a number of intriguing characteristics: they are attuned to humor (slapstick looms large), fixated on the body, rapacious in their mining of both art history and the broader culture (from TV to Internet memes), and most of all, determined to impart pleasure.
Inspired by the Secession building in Vienna, and the ubiquity of a certain type of rapacious weed in Hackney, the artist Rachel Whiteread has designed a golden frieze that will finally solve a 111 - year - old problem.
Few could have anticipated the rapacious development Harlem is undergoing today, as real estate investment and speculation displace longtime residents and remake the neighborhood into yet another yuppie frontier, with galleries, as is usually the case, playing their vanguard role in driving up rents.
Come to think of it, despite Lenin, capitalism seems to be chugging along in its most rapacious form these days.
In the words of Edward Gibbon (who never saw it), «Had this magnificent edifice remained in a solitary country, it would have been exposed to the ravages of time; but it might, perhaps, have escaped the rapacious industry of man.
Disney no longer needs to be an awesome force because its US copyrights are protected for the life of the universe, and the NSA, US military, and various rapacious treaties will arrest or kill anyone who violates those.
Speaking of which, water turtles are rapacious carnivores and quite happy to try to remove those pointing fingers.
More than a few people have argued that his public attacks on the companies he shorts are a rapacious attempt to create a self - fulfilling prophecy.
Yes, listed companies aren't perfect either — but at least on an exchange, over-hyped stocks (with rapacious & duplicitous management) tend to be far easier to spot & avoid — at least for investors with a modicum of common sense.
This is not the product of negotiation, especially in light of the rapacious breakage fee.
No one wants to poison their own prosperity, and so the rich and powerful hold back from being too rapacious.
Because while nobody can deny that many mortgagers were victimized by rapacious lenders or that many home loans became delinquent because of a crashing economy, far too many borrowers were victims of their own unrealistic dreams, imprudent decisions and outright deception when supplying financial information.
Stealing Buddha's Dinner by Bich Minh Nguyen $ 1.99 From the Jacket Copy: As a Vietnamese girl coming of age in Grand Rapids, Michigan, Nguyen is filled with a rapacious hunger for American identity, and in the pre-PC-era Midwest (where the Jennifers and Tiffanys reign supreme), the desire to belong... more >
Constantinople, 1203: As the rapacious armies of the Fourth Crusade lay siege to the city, a secretive band of Templars infiltrate the imperial library.
Her campaign against land grabbing and rapacious allocation of forests land has caught the limelight in the recent past.
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