Sentences with phrase «rape culture»

"Rape culture" refers to a society or environment in which sexual violence is normalized or accepted, and victims are blamed or not taken seriously. It highlights a culture that perpetuates attitudes and behaviors that contribute to rape and sexual assault. Full definition
«I am afraid of rape culture getting worse,» she said.
With rape culture as it stands, we need it.
Can we really argue that pornography has no influence on rape culture and attitudes towards sexual violence?
Because rape culture makes sure victims always know it was somehow their fault.
But under the skin it is a lesson in rape culture targeted specifically at men.
Well done for displaying your painful ignorance of rape culture.
Tarana Burke, wearing a «me too» T - shirt, addresses the March to End Rape Culture in Philadelphia in 2014.
FORCE: Upsetting Rape Culture Co-Founded by: Hannah Brancato and Rebecca Nagle.
I haven't heard about this statement, but I have heard about controversies involving similar statements by public figures, and most likely he is being accused of promoting rape culture, by telling potential victims of rape what to do, which is interpreted as blaming the victim for being raped, rather than focusing on the actions of rapists.
Hollywood Tarana Burke, wearing a «me too» T - shirt, addresses the March to End Rape Culture in Philadelphia in 2014.
I've said this in other places and about related topics, but it seems startlingly clear to me that the over-arching systems we have in place — the police, the courts, all levels of government — are woefully, tragically unable to address rape culture with the same vigor and accountability as other crimes and issues.
While I know some evangelicals may wince at the idea of hearing from a feminist, I do hope you will take the time to listen to this perspective, as I think churches interested in addressing problems related to abuse can really benefit from some feminist insights into rape culture and victim blaming.
This is what women want, says Fifty Shades of Grey: the perpetuation of violent rape culture.
But I'll go ahead and backup here: if college sports, writ large, were suspended on account of widespread rape culture (not the mention the insane corruption of the NCAA and the disenfranchisement of the athletes themselves), I'd be 100 % fine with that.
BuzzFeed's advocacy against rape culture challenges and informs daters about the darker side of physical attraction.
I'm eager to read stories that show how rape culture plays out in equally destructive ways among different social classes, different cultures, in conservative and more progressive - leaning settings, cities and suburbs, and elite schools.
With a mesmerising performance by Eastwood, this captivating revenge thriller tackles rape culture in modern society head - on with a fierce and unflinching intensity.
Now that we had that lovely exchange I would like to point out the problems with rape culture as briefly as I can (which will still be wordy).
Students attend a rally at Saint Mary's University to express their concerns over a chant that promoted rape culture during a recent school activity, in Halifax on Thursday, Sept. 12, 2013 (Photo: Andrew Vaughan / Getty)
Just because you don't go around raping people does not negate rape culture.
Rape culture permeates every aspect of our lives.
When I joined the MRM it was over rape culture, because I saw a guy who didn't have a court case yet being strung up by my entire metropolitan area based on nothing but an accusation which sounded very questionable.
Not talking about sexism will not magically make the glass ceiling disappear or dismantle rape culture.
Rape culture teaches «how to prevent a rape from happening» rather than «how not to be a rapist».
It's rape culture wrapped up in Bible pages and tied with a pink bow.
Rape culture pushes the victim - blaming mentality: the idea that if * she * had done something differently — worn a different outfit (even though women get raped when dressed modestly; rapists don't care about what a person is wearing), didn't get drunk (opens a person up to anything, never mind that it is impossible for a person to give clear consent when they're intoxicated / inebriated), used the «buddy system» (what if she wanted to go out by herself?
I'm not opposed to shows depicting sexual violence, but rape - as - prop is always distressing, particularly in a show like this, where that disregard echoes the kinds of ideas that foster rape culture in the first place: that women's feelings don't matter, that sexual agency isn't a big deal, that rape is something that just kind of happens and that healthy people simply move on.
A tangible rape culture, with scores of victims, and little accountability behind a few firings and lost scholarships (at least a few PSU admins got jail time).
because, if I'm reading this right, you're arguing that shutting down athletic departments would not prevent future crimes, or make a dent in rape culture writ large.
* rolls eyes *) one can only hope that a protest against sex crimes, greek life, and campus rape culture won't go unnoticed by the school.
It's freshly 2015, and the bottom feeders of Twitter are ringing in the New Year with a hashtag that proves rape culture is alive and well in America — #ItAintRape.
with Susan Edwards, dean of law at the University of Buckingham; Christina Hoff Sommers, writer and host of the weekly video series, The Factual Feminist; Kaitlynn Mendes, author of SlutWalk: feminism, activism and media; and chair Luke Gittos solicitor, Hughmans Solicitors, legal editor of Spiked and author of Why Rape Culture is a Dangerous Myth.
The fact that a survivor is being forced to consider changing schools illustrates that rape culture remains alive and well, despite the recent progress that's been made when it comes to discussing sexual violence.
Today, Nora is a leading feminist blogger best known for her articles about strengthening a nurturance culture to counter rape culture.
Before the screening, Fargeat stated that she and the producers were considering pulling Revenge from Fantastic Fest, in light of the Drafthouse sexual assault scandal, but kept it on the schedule as a means to begin a conversation regarding rape culture.
As other writers have noted, Lovelace presented the opportunity to engage with a wide variety of issues, from rape culture to the evolution of pornography.
Teen Council at Park City High devotes week to safety amid rape culture Students will learn about consent and the dangers they face on college campuses
Her story of teen girls who resist rape culture might seem...
But for those whose qualifications only extend to stuff like environmental sciences, hoverboard and rape culture studies, ecology, transgender studies, Care Bear management or similar, let me explain very briefly what the problem is.
Rape culture exists to diminish women's experiences of sexual assault.
Pit Bulls Montreal Rape Culture Free Speech Anti-Semitism Book and film Reviews Israel University Culture Shared Parenting Children's Aid Societies Niqab honour / Shame Culture Quebec Nationalism Feminism Abortion Euthanasia Environmentalism Islamism Misandry Humour Jewish Issues Gender Bias / Domestic Violence Political Correctness Parental Alienation Addiction Dumbin Deviancy Down Personal Marriage LGBT Canada Therapy Culture Fertiity Canadian culture Transgenderism Black culture
The university is also working to host an awareness week in which it will host activities throughout the week, including a public viewing of the documentary «The Hunting Ground,» a film about rape culture on college campuses, she added.
Which is exactly what purity culture does, because it perpetuates rape culture, as well as the virgin / whore dichotomy.
It was an experiment in writing «A Clockwork Orange» - style black comedy and was intended to be a dark satire on the loneliness and frustration that is so often a part of the contemporary male experience, as well as an attack on rape culture.
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