Sentences with phrase «rape myths»

"Rape myths" refers to false beliefs or misconceptions about sexual assault. These myths often blame victims, justify or minimize the severity of the crime, or perpetuate stereotypes about who can be a rapist or survivor. Full definition
All Canadian women deserve to have access to a fair and equal justice system free from rape myths and stereotypes.
Exposure to pornography and acceptance of rape myths.
In her speech, Ms. Saunders argued that there are several prevailing rape myths in society which may serve as obstacles to obtaining convictions:
Multivariate analyses revealed significant positive associations between premarital sexual aggression and past acts of sexual aggression for women only, between premarital sexual aggression and accepting rape myths for men only, and between premarital sexual aggression and relationship conflict for both men and women.
[Benevolent sexism] did relate to rape myth acceptance in cases of acquaintance rape (Abrams et al., 2003), which accounts for about two thirds of all rapes committed (U.S. Department of Justice, 2005; RAINN 2012).
iBooks provides users an easy way to access books on the go, but NCOSE says that the app is «filled with erotic literature that supports rape myths, and reinforces degrading racially charged stereotypes.»
Rape myths abound, sometimes even for the youngest victims.
This mirrors the opinion expressed previously by the Director of Public Prosecutions, Alison Saunders, who implied that Judge Shorrock's comments led to perpetuating «the victim - blaming rape myths» that «allowed sexual predators to offend with assumed impunity in days gone by.»
Regardless of the outcome in a sexual assault trial every complainant is entitled to a legal process that respects her dignity, and her right to a judicial process that is free from discrimination, flawed stereotypes and debunked rape myths.
Of more concern, there is «considerable risk that a direction will have the opposite effect to that intended and serve to entrench rather than overcome stereotypes and myths in the minds of the jury» (Jennifer Temkin, ««And Always Keep A-hold of Nurse, for Fear of Finding Something Worse»: Challenging Rape Myths in the Courtroom» (2010) 13 New Criminal Law Review 710 at 720 - 721, 725).
: Critical Reflections on Received Rape Myth Wisdom in the Context of a Mock Jury Study» (2010) 13 (4) New Criminal Law Review 781 at 788).
His statement, akin to the second rape myth Saunders identified, inspired a series of protests across the globe known as «Slutwalks».
Prosecutor Alison Saunders timely report revealed rape myths that also exist in Canada.
Given that sexual history evidence is one of the primary sites for the operation of rape myths, as recognized in Seaboyer (and as illustrated in Wagar), one would have thought that a more fulsome caution about inappropriate use of this evidence was warranted, in addition to cautions about the application of myths and stereotypes more broadly.
Researchers have also found that after long - term exposure to hyper - sexualized images, people of all genders tend to be more tolerant of the sexual harassment of women and more readily accept rape myths, including the belief that sexually assaulted women were asking for it, deserved it or are the ones to blame for being victimized.
Some studies indicate that those exposed to sexually violent depictions are more likely to accept rape myths, the «need» for violence between men and women, and «adversarial» views about sex.
Other positive developments include a recent ruling by the Court of Appeal allowing trial judges to explain to jurors why a victim would have delayed reporting a rape to police, helping to alleviate the influence of the rape myth.
That's why West Coast LEAF and a national coalition of women's organizations is speaking up to remind our justice system that rape myths and stereotypes should have no place in our nation's courts.
Temkin recommended that the Benchbook be followed up with education of legal actors and the public, as well as the introduction of expert evidence in some cases where the issues tend to give rise to rape myths that are particularly entrenched.
Indeed, judges sitting alone — although they are human and susceptible to the same predispositions and beliefs as the ordinary person — have a professional duty to actively disabuse themselves of rape myths.
Other actions of criminal justice professionals have indicated that rape myths are prevalent in the Canadian justice system.
She particularly focused on how «rape myths,» stereotypes and both conscious and subconscious views may influence juries in their decision to acquit.
Reading through Saunders» list of rape myths, I know I have heard them all; I, as an informed young woman, have even subscribed to some of them.
Every rape case that blames the victim further justifies belief in rape myths.
Another meta - analysis of forty - six studies concluded that the effects are «clear and consistent,» and that pornography use puts men at increased risk for committing sexual offenses and accepting rape myths.
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