Sentences with phrase «rape of a child»

Systematic rape of children in Catholic churches throughout the US, young women being forced to marry and leaders of certain groups taking more than one wife.
Thousands of Syrians have endured imprisonment, torture and sexual violence, including instances of the alleged rape of children, and the humanitarian position is deteriorating.
They've been blacklisted by at least three organizations for promoting rape and even incestuous rape of children in their products.
Attorney General's References (74 and 83 of 2007), The Times 16 November 2007 HELD (i) In relation to rape of a child under 13, actual consent may in some rare cases provide mitigation.
A gay man or woman's love for their partner is nothing like the rape of a child... it's disgusting that you would even insinuate that... you have believed a lie.
The way in which some artists, celebrities, and pundits are willing to overlook the rape of a child by director Roman Polanski is sickening.
«It means that God not only allows, but sovereignly ordains, every war and every abortion and every rape of a child.
The implications of this position are troubling, for they leave us with a God who wills and orchestrates sinful behavior, a God who presides over every rape of a child, every battery or enslavement, every murder, every abortion, every abuse, every abandonment.
In the most recent case, from Oxford, a number of gang members were given life sentences for the grooming and rape of children over the course of many years.
The MPAA rated The Kite Runner PG - 13 for strong thematic material including the rape of a child, violence and brief strong language
The Kite Runner is rated PG - 13 by the MPAA for strong thematic material including the rape of a child, violence and brief strong language
MPAA Rating: (for strong thematic material including the rape of a child, violence and brief strong language)
The rape of children, the systematic perversion of girls, detailed graphic public sex of a prostitute and multiple men.
Still, despite the symbolic heft of his numerous phallic creations in a country where circumcision rituals are still central to many indigenous cultures, including the Xhosa to which Hlobo belongs and where AIDS is rampant and the rape of children commonplace, it is remarkable how often the artis is seemingly caught on the back foot, made to peel away the laters of defining his remarkably physical, audaciously cryptic constructions.
In Washington state, there is no crime of «sexual assault», instead, there are specific crimes like rape (3 degrees), rape of child (3 degrees), child molestation (3 degrees), sexual misconduct with minor (2 degrees), indecent liberties, sexually violating human remains and voyeurism.
«That is a congressional statute expressly authorizing the death penalty for the rape of a child,» he writes.
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