Sentences with phrase «rapid development of skills»

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An Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development report a few years ago concluded that «a key cause of the underlying fall in manufacturing employment everywhere is rapid productivity growth, whether by restructuring inefficient plants or deploying skills, knowledge, technology and new processes to boost efficiency.»
The construction industry is expected to lose hundreds of thousands of skilled tradespeople to retirement over the next decade, creating a major need for rapid skills development.
The possibility of technical development by such nations depends upon the rapid expansion of educational opportunities to produce the necessary skilled workers.
Considering that development is vast and rapid during the first years of life, it's as though they are continuously on the brink of a new developmental skill.
Since childhood is by nature a continual process of transition and adjustment to rapid development, it's easy to see why bad behavior is such a natural reaction to the challenges a child doesn't yet have the skills to overcome.
«Early childhood is a period of rapid growth and development, when children are acquiring a wide range of skills related to physical movement, communication, thinking and planning, and self control,» McCoy says.
As tweens enter a period of rapid prefrontal cortex development, familiarize them with their growing executive function skills by teaching time management and organizing information.
The SSS, a relatively new body, is the organisation charged with overseeing much of this rapid development in KSA's education provision, ensuring skills standards are applied and training quality is monitored with integrity and objectivity.
The stimulation during the ages of their rapid development strongly influences social - emotional control and the highest thinking skill sets that today's students will carry with them as they leave school and become adults.
much of this rapid development in KSA's education provision, ensuring skills standards are applied and training quality is monitored with integrity and objectivity.
For the vast majority of instructional designers working today — those who likely serve as designer and developer, use rapid development tools, and do not have coding skills — the Experience API is not something that is going to impact the work you do anytime soon.
They acquired those skills by virtue of having grown up in a time during which the internet was undergoing rapid development, which is why we sometimes refer to U.S. millennials (those in the 18 - 34 age range) as «digital natives.»
Despite the huge range of knowledge, skills and qualifications that TAs possess, this rapid increase in numbers was not accompanied by job specific training or development, nor were teachers guided on how to use TAs effectively.
Higher education with specialization in different streams of education can help a student to mastery over the subject - matter, but there no proof to prove that higher education can result in the rapid development of writing skills.
The rapid growth of new technologies such as automatic driving, artificial intelligence and robotics will ratchet up pressure on the already candidate - short market as companies find it increasingly difficult to obtain high - skilled professionals to support local development and production.
The Animation Academy specializes in the rapid development of artistic skills necessary for achieving a successful career in animation.
I posses strong new business development and management skills enabling successful leadership of business in rapid growth environment I had demonstrated excellent problem solving skills combined with strong communication and interpersonal abilities.
Antenatal depression may not only alter development of stress - related biological systems in the fetus, but may also increase risk of obstetrical complications.6 Postnatal depression may also be an early life stressor given known associations with lower levels of sensitive, responsive care needed for infants» development of health attachment relationships, emotional regulation skills, interpersonal skills and stress response mechanisms.7 Early life stressors, such as those that might be associated with maternal depression, can influence brain development, which continues at a rapid pace at least for several years after birth.8 Problems in any of these aspects of development may disrupt the earliest stages of socio - emotional and cognitive development, predisposing to the later development of depression or other disorders.
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