Sentences with phrase «rapid flow»

A baby who is getting slow flow from the breast and then gets rapid flow from a bottle, will figure that one out pretty quickly.
It is not a continuous summer long acceleration necessarily; it is often a short term rapid flow increase that is also localized.
They study how specific cell surface proteins regulate nervous system development, including formation of myelin, the insulating layer around neurons that degenerates in MS. Myelin ensures rapid flow of electrical signals, similar to the plastic coating around a wire and protects neurons from degenerating.
If he goes to the breast and gets little milk and slow flow and then gets a bottle with rapid flow, especially in the first few days, most can figure that one out fairly quickly.
Even when the milk supply is well established, frequent bottles teach the baby a poor latch at a time when the baby expects rapid flow, even if you are giving the baby only breastmilk in the bottle.
We view rapid flows into passive strategies as a cyclical phenomenon which invariably distorts equity valuations in the later stages of a bull market.
And like a river or stream, narrowing or other causes of more rapid flow will disrupt this smooth laminar flow.
This line confuses me: «The possibility of drilling and hydraulic fracturing causing rapid flow of brine to shallow groundwater in lower hydrodynamic pressure zones is unlikely but still unknown.»
Both glaciers have a relatively rapid flow from the WAIS interior to the calving margin.
As Mama kept busy preparing supper and tidying up the house she didn't notice that the icy north wind began to blow hard with a fierce and rapid flow of thick snowfall.
If they get slow flow from the breast (as is expected in the first few days of life) and rapid flow from the bottle, they will not be confused — many will figure it out quite quickly.
But the rapid flow of information and ideas also results in a proliferation of choices, volatility in what the market wants, and continuous movement in the political and social landscapes trying to make sense of it all.
The world is made one unit for production, distribution and the rapid flow of money through computerized electronic means.
f) The baby may dislike the rapid flow, but also become fussy when the flow slows too much.
Babies will take whatever gives them a rapid flow of fluid and may refuse others that do not.
Babies will take whatever method gives them a rapid flow of fluid and may refuse others that do not.
from which he gets rapid flow, the baby will tend to prefer the rapid flow method.
from which he gets rapid flow, he will tend to prefer the rapid flow method.
The baby may dislike the rapid flow, but also become fussy when the flow slows too much.
He may be unhappy with the rapid flow, and impatient when the flow slows.
Mmmmmm, a rapid flow of processed meat product...).
Previous studies had reported more than $ 50 million in levee repair costs as well as damage solely from the rapid flow of water across the floodway after the detonations, which scoured farmland and left behind thick deposits of unwanted sand.
The membrane's carbon dioxide highways (yellow) enable the rapid flow of carbon dioxide (red and white molecules) while maintaining selectivity over nitrogen (blue molecules).
To keep NexGen Lawns K9 synthetic grass area clean and odor - free we install the proper drainage system that works in conjunction with our rapid flow backing.
This is not the case on the rapid flowing marine terminating outlet glaciers.
Christian Schoof, from the University of British Columbia and the study's author, explains that steady flows of meltwater can be accommodated by existing channels under the Ice Sheet, but rapid flows can not:
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