Sentences with phrase «rapidly than the rate»

For example, college expenses are increasing more rapidly than the rate of overall inflation.

Not exact matches

Despite rapidly accelerating revenue, the rate that Twitter added monthly active users slowed — less than 4 %, to 241 million, in its first quarter as a public company, and as low as 1.4 % in a recent quarter — worrying investors that Twitter might not be the mainstream product that its soaring valuation promised.
It is only when credit growth begins to decelerate much more rapidly than nominal GDP growth that we can begin to talk hopefully about China's moving in the right direction, and it is only when credit growth falls permanently below the growth rate of the economy's debt - servicing capacity that China will have adjusted.
If the combination of the two causes the savings rate to rise, or to fall more slowly than the rapidly declining investment rate, the automatic corollary is a rise in the current account surplus.
As it turned out, we raised interest rates weeks before the commitment expired because we saw signs that inflation was returning to its target more rapidly than we anticipated.
If the new Amazon HQ2 came to town, Detroit would see moderate rather than severe rent increases, largely because of its high vacancy rate of 11 percent and its ability to add new housing stock rapidly.
Adoption rate has been slower than expected, but the category is still growing rapidly.
But if inflation pressures build more rapidly than expected, the FOMC could raise the fed funds rate three more times this year, in June, September, and December.
In late August 2010 we noticed that US real rates were falling far more rapidly than gold prices were rising.
The economy produced a rapidly falling unemployment rate far quicker than the most optimistic of predictions.
That is, the Fed might hike rates more than three times in 2018 or it might hike rates more rapidly than expected if tax cuts prove to be more stimulative than expected.
Prices of imported goods at the wholesale level, which typically move more closely in line with the exchange rate, have fallen much more rapidly than those of imported retail goods.
In the 1980s and 1990s, American consumers were more than willing to cut their saving rate because they believed stock portfolios would continue to grow rapidly and take care of all their financial needs.
The Fed rapidly cut its target rate from 6.5 % to 1 % and held it there for 12 months to provide more - than ample monetary stimulus.
Even though the overall system is constrained by the current rate of tray sealing the company can process much more rapidly than before.
Native Americans have high rates of breastfeeding initiation, but breastfeeding continuation and exclusivity decrease more rapidly than in most other ethnic groups (except blacks)(2).
The data showed that male and female dogs grow at different rates, with males growing more rapidly than their female counterparts.
Manufacturing production is growing at its fastest rate in more than a decade, and a driving force is the Internet - based technologies that allow for customization — the ability to rapidly build what you want, when you want it.
Givnish and his colleagues found that initially, orchids speciated no more rapidly than their closest relatives, and at a slow rate relative to flowering plants as a whole.
People with a high rating showed less decline than those who were less mentally active, but if later diagnosed with Alzheimer's they worsened more rapidly (Neurology, DOI: 2010:75:990 - 96).
Although small, GN - z11 is rapidly growing (or was at the time): It's forming stars at a rate about 20 times greater than the Milky Way does today.
Developing economies that start at a lower base tend to grow much more rapidly than those that are already functioning at a high level; nonetheless, China's growth rate in this arena has been remarkable.
It is rapidly making stars at a rate ten times faster than the LMC.
Contrary to previous findings, the new results reveal that the rate of population change has grown much more rapidly than the expansion of urban land.
That's because the stone has higher thermal effusivity (the rate at which a material can exchange heat) than wood, so it draws heat away from your feet more rapidly, causing it to feel colder.
Although tropical nations account for only 5 % of scientific and technical journal articles published worldwide since 1990, growth is expanding rapidly — publishing output for the tropics rose at more than double the rate than in the rest of the world from 1990 to 2009.
Once set, the bit rate for each programme remains constant, even though static scenes require far fewer bit than rapidly changing ones.
According to its supporters, bamboo's fast growth means it sequesters more carbon than slower - growing trees, thus qualifying the flooring and plywood for a «rapidly renewable» materials accreditation under the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) green building rating system [see «MisLEEDing?»
Polar amplification, in which temperatures at the poles rise more rapidly than temperatures at the equator (due to factors like the global atmospheric and oceanic circulation of heat from the equator to the poles), plays a major role in the rate of ice sheet retreat.
The new distance measurement also enabled the astronomers to determine that EGS - zs8 - 1 was still forming stars very rapidly, about 80 times faster than our Milky Way galaxy today (which has a star formation rate of one star per year).
Since the warming rate is twice as fast as the interglacial cooling rate, the typical interglacial period has an asymmetrical pattern suggesting Earth heats up due to natural processes more rapidly than when it cools.
Vitamin K2 has a higher rate of transport across the placenta than vitamin K1.38 When mothers receive injections of vitamin K2, the placenta rapidly accumulates it and then releases it slowly to the fetus over time.39 Vitamin K1 is found in leafy greens while vitamin K2 is found in fermented foods and grass - fed animal fats — especially natto, goose liver, cheese, and to a lesser extent butter and egg yolks.40
Although evidence supports that lauric acid is more rapidly absorbed in the body than LCTs, one study suggests that lengthening the carbon chain by 2 carbons can slow down the rate of diffusion by 100 times (5, 6, 7).
When you go back to eating normally again, your body will have a lower metabolic rate and you will gain the weight back, probably more rapidly than before!
In fact, the trends here are even more stark than found by Looney and Yannelis (2015), due in part to the large and rapidly growing differences in borrowing rates across sectors.
Today, the graduation rate for African - Americans is 75 percent, still lower than our white counterparts, but an increase that shows our community rapidly closing that achievement gap.
A controversial topic, but fertility rates are falling more rapidly than the demographers expect.
Since their trough in 2012, home prices have risen at an annual average rate of 5.5 %, far more rapidly than incomes or inflation.
In a situation where short - term interest rates rise rapidly, the crediting rate of the stable value fund will lag the rise significantly, leading some to withdraw when the market value of the fund is less than the book value, leading to a possible run on the fund.
Of growing concern, however, is that rapidly rising house prices in these two cities could encourage some households to take on larger mortgages than they can handle when interest rates rise,» added Mr. Guatieri.
The value of a hybrid or its interest rate may be a multiple of a benchmark and, as a result, may be leveraged and move (up or down) more steeply and rapidly than the benchmark.
Of course, even a modest increase in fertility rates among the most developed countries will imply that the population size in these countries declines less rapidly, or grows somewhat more rapidly than would otherwise have been the case.
However, sea ice then grows very rapidly, since the growth rate for thin ice is much higher than for thick ice, which acts as a negative feedback on thickness during the growth season (Bitz and Roe, 2004; Notz, 2009).
Since the latest data from around the globe seems to indicate that the Klimakatastrophe is progressing even more rapidly than the worst - case scenario of the IPCC (e.g. increasing glacier melting rate, decreasing oceans» ability to absorb CO2), I tend to believe Lovelock's predictions are spot on.
Polar amplification, in which temperatures at the poles rise more rapidly than temperatures at the equator (due to factors like the global atmospheric and oceanic circulation of heat from the equator to the poles), plays a major role in the rate of ice sheet retreat.
Well, this cools the tropics and cuts in to the potential for a super greenhouse effect where the rate of downwelling longwave increases relative to surface temperature more rapidly than upwelling longwave.
But the current paper shows that the differences in midcentury warming rates occurred much more rapidly than previously thought (over a few years, not a few decades).
Since the rate of melt is measured to be increasing rapidly, it will take much less than 125 years for 1 inch of melt.
Forests in Zambia are disappearing rapidly, and deforestation rates in the project zone are about 11 times higher than the national average.
I'm sure you will agree that future human CO2 emissions will in some way be linked to future human population growth rates, i.e. if population grows rapidly humans will emit more CO2 in the future than if population grows slowly..
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