Sentences with phrase «rate citizens»

The phrase "rate citizens" refers to evaluating or judging people based on their behavior, characteristics, or performance. It suggests assigning a rank or score to individuals according to certain criteria. Full definition
It was a time when women were seen as second rate citizens who were not smart enough, nor responsible enough, nor capable enough to make decisions about their lives.
«Failure is not an Option,» a study sponsored by the Ohio Business Roundtable, the Ohio Department of Education and Ohio State University, focused on nine top urban schools, including MC2STEM and the excellent - rated Citizens Academy charter school, also in Cleveland.
The days when the church was hassled by those who were disgusted w / their practices of treating women like 2nd rate citizens and moving pedophiles around to harm more children or when there was public backlash against a massive, money grubbing, authoritarian organization that tortured and executed people for believing you like you do?
Only kidding... But it will never be a child friendly world while kids are treated as half - rate citizens rather than short citizens!!!
The CBI has rejected calls for a flat rate citizens» pension for all, claiming such a scheme would be prohibitively expensive.
Plans for China to rate its citizens for their trustworthiness have been depicted as uniquely Chinese.
I would rate Citizens Leadership Academy with a 4 star rating.
For many years cats have been second - rate citizens in the pet world — more popular than small animals, but much less so than dogs; in recent years that has begun to change.
With the social credit system, the Chinese government rates citizens based on things like criminal behavior and financial misdeeds, but also on what they buy, say, and do.
One said: «Foster's is focused on the supermarket chains and we are treated like second - second - rate citizens
I love your comment about «attempting to duplicate a gluten recipe like a second - rate citizen
So I say more banners, more protests and more fcuking booing because it is time our voices are being heard and listened to instead of being looked at as the second rate citizens.
«A full - rate citizens» pension would be the most fantastic reform.
BBC - Oct 26 - The Chinese government is building a «social credit» system that is meant to rate each citizen's trustworthiness.
Mobile applications often stand in contrast to China's government is building an omnipotent social credit system that is meant to rate each citizen's trustworthiness.
China's government is building an omnipotent social credit system that is meant to rate each citizen's trustworthiness.
He could have squelched the inaccurate message that has been promoted for decades now that teachers are lazy, second rate citizens, even child molesters (see Campbell Brown on Morning Joe and then read here), who bilk the government of funds while enjoying their summers off.
In many stores, cats still seem to be second - rate citizens, with dog products front and center and cat products off to the side or in the back of the store.
Japanese: We'd be second rate citizens.
Mac OS X users aren't treated like second - rate citizens.
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