Sentences with phrase «rate of coastal retreat»

(The big question for coastal communities remains the rate of coastal retreat, not the total rise over many centuries.)

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Instead, Levy documented through LIDAR and time - lapse photography a rapid retreat of ground ice in Garwood Valley, similar to the lower rates of permafrost melt observed in the coastal Arctic and Tibet.
And based upon late Quaternary stratigraphic data from peninsular Florida's shelf and coastal zone, historic wetland accumulation rates, and residence time of coastal construction projects (i.e. beach «nourishment», dune «restoration»), by mid-century the rate of predicted sea level rise will result in erosional shoreface retreat and ultimately overstep of both the natural and built environment.
Even if poor and rich countries agree, magically, to meet in the middle — at, say, 10 tons of carbon dioxide per person per year (about Europe's emissions rate)-- that produces a world well on the way to centuries of warming and coastal retreats, even at the low end of estimates of carbon dioxide's heat - trapping power.
Many retreats began with an increase in thinning rates near the front in the summer of 2003, a year of record high coastal - air and sea - surface temperatures.
Along Alaska's northwestern coast, increased coastal erosion is causing some shorelines to retreat at rates averaging tens of feet per year.
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