Sentences with phrase «rate of decrease»

The insurance company calculates the annual rate of decrease of the cover which in effect is equal to the outstanding capital amount on the repayment mortgage.
In the meanwhile, we're stuck with overly - simple approaches based on problematic metrics like, say, per - capita emissions, or rates of decrease in carbon intensity.
A significant decline of average rate of decrease was observed in men and women (2.3 % and 4.0 % per year respectively).
The top of the atmosphere is very hard to locate because of the slow rate of decreasing molecular density the further up one goes.
Over the years, the public education system became vulnerable to education fads - methods of teaching that were unproven but widely adopted, and recent studies are showing us an alarming rate of decrease in math test scores READ MORE HERE.
According to the results, the half who ate the olestra chips had a PCB rate of decrease of 8 percent, an eight-fold increase in the rate of removal prior to the study compared with those who ate the chips with vegetable oil, who had a 1 percent increase in the rate of removal.
The overall rate of decrease has remained steady at about 18,000 to 19,000 animals per year.
Reductions in emissions are now all the more urgent and, were they to be shouldered by developed countries alone, the required rates of decrease would be unrealistically rapid.
«Grace data show an alarming rate of decrease in total water storage in the Tigris and Euphrates river basins, which currently have the second fastest rate of groundwater storage loss on Earth, after India,» said Jay Famiglietti, principal investigator of the study and a hydrologist and professor at UC Irvine.
Abortion rates have been declining since the early 2000s, but the rate of decrease appears to have peaked at the height of the economic recession.
Yet in one study the rate of decrease of cortisol concentrations in the early evening was approximately 6-fold slower in subjects who had undergone 6 days of sleep restriction than in subjects who were fully rested.
The rate of decrease can range from 1 % to 2 % each year.
In the first five years after the 1993 introduction of CompStat, the number of homicides in New York City fell from 1,946 to 629 — a rate of decrease three times that of the nation as a whole.
And even with strong international climate policies, more rapid decarbonization (the rate of decrease in emissions per unit of GDP) will require higher costs and major policy change.
The decline has been greatest during summer, for which the rate of decrease of ice extent since 1979 has been approximately 12 percent per decade.
Oil use has already dropped 11 percent since 2007 and the age factor --- in addition to fuel - efficient and plug - in cars, public transit, and bike use — will drive the rate of decrease even more in the coming years.
That's five times the rate of decrease seen between 1965 - 2002.
The total flow rate of the AMOC is about 20 Sv, thus the models indicate a rate of decrease of about 4 Sv / 100 yr, whereas the observations, shown in the top figure in red, indicate a rate of decrease of about 4 Sv / 10 yr, so an order of magnitude faster decline.
However, looking the extended AMOC (black line in top figure) suggests that the rate of decrease over the last 20 years was smaller than that over the last 10 years.
While these are meaningful declines, the rate of decrease has been falling in the last two quarters.
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