Sentences with phrase «rate of recidivism»

Another strong message from panelists was the vital need for better post-prison support to stop high rates of recidivism among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander prisoners, who often enter or return to prison as a result of basic breaches in paying fines or on remand and then miss out, as a result, on rehabilitation programs and post-prison supports.
results in more Aboriginal people being incarcerated, for longer periods and with fewer options for rehabilitation within their communities; and undermines the positive achievements of Aboriginal courts, which have relied on flexible sentencing and bail options and community involvement in strengthening Aboriginal law, empowering Aboriginal leadership and, ultimately, reducing rates of recidivism.
Simply the fact that people, who were given life sentences whether they were juveniles in Pennsylvania or or they were third strikers in California that their track record after their release shows really low rates of recidivism is meaningful.
Advocates voiced concern that abusive treatment could prevent New Yorkers from visiting loved ones on Rikers, as jail visits have been shown to decrease rates of recidivism.
The lesson here: If only all penitentiaries would serve homemade marmalade sandwiches, we'd probably have a smaller rate of recidivism.
«We don't have a lot of data on rates of recidivism,» says Provost.
Studies have shown that youths with high psychopathic traits have an earlier onset of delinquent behavior, have higher levels of delinquent behavior, and show higher rates of recidivism than youths with low psychopathic traits [4, 5].
Lake said that despite strong supporting evidence that an emphasis on alternative rehabilitative programs outside of the traditional adult correctional facilities usually leads to lower rates of recidivism and crime, chief opposition among state senators has prevented the law from being reformed.
That's also a high rate of recidivism.
Through this partnership, we fund the establishment of drug and alcohol courts that give the most dangerous, repeat offenders access to the care they need, and reduce the rate of recidivism.
«Assemblyman Aubry has spent his life creating a safe haven for all residents of the 35th AD by ensuring that those recently released from incarceration are reconnected with their families and supporting principles to reduce the rate of recidivism
«By raising the age of criminal responsibility to 18 we can reduce the rate of recidivism in young adults to give more of them the chance they deserve to succeed in the future,» Carlucci said in a statement.
By raising the age of criminal responsibility to 18 we can reduce the rate of recidivism in young adults to give more of them the chance they deserve to succeed in the future.
Minnesota is currently assessing data from their prison population to determine how much TBI affects substance abuse treatment completion, use of medical and mental health resources, and rates of recidivism.
Although the rate of recidivism for the overall cohort of 16,241 inmates was high — 67.5 percent within three years — the rate for those with severe disorders was even greater.
Trauma is associated with higher rates of recidivism and mental and physical health conditions, including cardiovascular disease.
Utah's rate of recidivism — return to incarceration — for juvenile offenders is a staggering 53.1 percent, costing taxpayers millions while falling short of the goal to reshape the lives of many troubled youths.
The rates of recidivism are greatly increased once they leave and our system is horrible at rehabilitation.
But overall it's an unworkable system and I agree with all those who say that it does nothing for rehabilitation, and certainly increases the rate of recidivism.
«Because the rate of recidivism for animal hoarders is close to 100 percent, the fact that the settlement terms prohibit Janie Conyers from ever owning another animal is an important safeguard to protect other animals in the years to come.»
Furthermore, hoarders have a very high rate of recidivism.
The program helps to prepare the girls to re-enter their community and become well rounded citizens, ultimately decreasing both the rate of recidivism and the number of homeless dogs in San Diego County.
The rate of recidivism for NCR individuals is much lower than for offenders who are sentenced to traditional jail.
Courses that show a sizeable reduction in the rate of recidivism [i.e. repeat offenses] for crashes and violations are considered successful.)
A significant factor among the Indigenous female prisoner population is the high rate of recidivism (or repeat offenders).
Alarming Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander over-representation in Australian prisons, combined with high rates of recidivism, and an annual government expenditure reaching $ 3 billion, have led many to claim that incarceration — particularly of young people — is a social policy failure that needs to be redressed.
Compared with other individuals in forensic populations, psychopaths have much higher rates of recidivism and are more likely to commit severe offenses and acts of violence.
A report released Friday said the rate of recidivism was 9 percent for graduates from three of Georgia's earliest DUI courts, based in Athens, Chatham County and Hall County, compared to 24 percent for offenders in different counties that didn't have the courts.
Studies have shown that youths with high psychopathic traits have an earlier onset of delinquent behavior, have higher levels of delinquent behavior, and show higher rates of recidivism than youths with low psychopathic traits.
The attrition rate or rate of recidivism is far too high a price to pay to lead a team.
«Research shows that people who come out of prison and can't find housing often become homeless, have high rates of recidivism and often end up back in prison,» says Weiss.
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